


8 years, 7 months ago



"Blessed daughter of the Saintess of Nylth"


Katie was born in Nylth, the daughter of the Saintess, a popular singer only beaten in popularity by the Nine Kings. Katie had no father as her mother made her alone, but was happy with just her mother. She had a peaceful, normal childhood, albeit a lonely one as her mother made sure her daughter was safe from the people who followed her, but at the same time distancing her from most everyone else. She finally got out of homeschooling and chose to attend school after her mother's popularity hit a decline. Currently she lives in a dormitory at her school, and is pursuing a job in inventing.



Species- Nonex

Gender- Female

Age- 17

Sexual orientation- Strait

Relationships- Urgess- mother, &c.

Lover- None

Height- 5'5

Health- Good

Occupation- Student

Eye Color- Green

Weapon- None

Wounds- None

Scars- None

Diet- Omnivorous

Likes- Honey on bread, pop music, birds, &c.

Dislikes- Rock music, schoolwork, &c.

Alignment- Lawful Good


Special/Unique Traits- 

- She actually has a talent for summoning magic, though doesn't know.


Charms & Magic information- Uses neither