Goria Gravestone [Scooby Doo]



10 months, 16 days ago


Goria Gravestone (Gravestone-Ravencroft in the Witch’s Ghost timeline) is a fun-loving guy who, by some means or other, can usually be found hanging around Mystery Inc. (You didn’t hear this from me, but he’s been seen handing Shaggy little green baggies in the Mystery Machine backseat a few too many times for comfort.) He believes in all of the ghouls and magic stuff with zero hesitation, but he's more fascinated by them than anything else! In fact, he's probably bungled the momentum on quite a few of the gang's cases by trying to get closer to the monster than he ought to. He can't help it! He just thinks it's all so cool! Somebody (or, er, multiple somebodies) really oughta keep this guy in line. 

Prior to the events of Witch's Ghost, Goria got the attention of one Ben Ravencroft by being a little more outgoing of a horror fan than Ben's used to. Ben's excited to have someone around who can really match his energy, and Goria's excited that his favoritest most handsomest author gets such a kick out of pushing him around. Of course, it would really throw a wrench into Ben's plans for Mystery Inc if he was trying to work Velma while he was, erm, off the market, so he and Goria decide that they'll need a cover story. What they land on is this: Goria Gravestone-Ravencroft is Ben's daughter from his ill-conceived youth, and now that they're coincidentally both in New England they get to catch up! Goria gets to cling to Ben like his life depends on it, Ben gets to domineer his partner just slightly more than usual, and most important that meddling girl won't get any ideas about Ben's availability. Everybody wins! For about a day and a half, at least. Kind of a clear winner after that. But Goria, loyal as he is, moves fast to retrieve Sarah's spellbook so he can free Ben. And he just happens to know another Warlock who might do the job...