


11 months, 10 days ago

Basic Info

Full name

Chirag Linterna








Chirag's unique body allows for enhanced reflexes, and for physical actions to be performed at mach speeds- like punching or jumping. Due to his laissez-faire attitude, this commonly leads to chirag getting himself stuck in walls. This is exacerbated by his enhanced exoskeleton durability, which enables Chirag to continue getting stuck in walls without lasting physical injury. Two fingers on each of Chirag's hands have evolved into sickles that point backwards. He uses these as tonfas, and they're the main latching point for his Machination- "Wiretap". Wiretap manifests itself as thousands of small leafhoppers that behave as a collective conscious- curiously, one that Chirag can understand. When they coalesce onto any surface, they will organize themselves into rows and start rapidly racing across the surface- giving that object a chainsaw-like effect. This saw effect can cut through wood and other softer surfaces quite easily, but stops at stone and metal. While Chirag DOES have wings on his head, he's too heavy to actively fly with them- gliding would be the better term.


Chirag is unique among the world of Machinate. Upon his machination fully metamorphizing 2 years ago, Chirag's entire body suddenly was transformed into that of an insect- more specifically, a giant humanoid lanternfly. Chirag, immutable and adaptable throughout his life, decided he liked bugs anyways, enjoyed how cool he looked, and just rolled with it. 

Despite his clothes and garish, boisterous personality, Chirag actually graduated his highschool in the top 10%, and is pursuing a doctorates in Computer Technology. He interns at the leading magic-based technology department of the era. 

Since internships don't make money, Chirag helps out in the vigilante crime-fighting group known as URBAN DUST. Operating in Barbatos, Beatrix's hometown, Chirag assists in apprehending and subduing those who threaten the peace of the residence. Chirag still doesn't make money, but he gets free food and living. That's a pretty good deal.

Chirag is actually very particular about what kind of bug he is. Due to his antennae, many automatically assume that Chirag is some sort of moth-- he's quite quick to point out that the rest of his composition is mainly lanternfly, sometimes even bringing along diagrams and charts to explain it. The other members of his group play it up for laughs.