Ingvarr (Whitney (DST!AU))



10 months, 21 days ago



"You can only be free when you have nothing to lose."

name: Whitney
nickname: Ney
age: early 30
gender: male (he/him)
race: human
orientation: heteroflexible
relationship status: shows interest
occupation: healer

Whitney worked at the Antarctic Research Station (ARS) as a medic. His hands have adapted to help so much that he makes medicines and resurrects 1.5 times faster.

Hardened in the harsh conditions of ice, cold and constant night, Whitney tolerates winter more easily and doesn't receive a penalty to sanity in the dark. However, he suffers from heat 2 times more and his comfortable body temperature is quite low.


Whitney is a rather private person, but nevertheless he is very caring and always ready to provide all possible assistance to those in need. He will never refuse to heal your wounds, even if he grumbles a little.

He is not too emotional, quite calm and balanced. He is quite sharp-tongued, but never has the goal of seriously offending anyone.


  • Heat, summer
  • Promises
  • Gardening/taking care of vegetables (but he loves flowers)
  • Carrying heavy things

  • From the very beginning of the game, recipes for crafting all medicinal things are available to him. Makes them 1.5 times faster than the rest.
  • He takes less damage from the cold and freezes longer, doesn't lose sanity in the dark.
  • Heats up faster and takes more damage from overheating. In summer, there is a chance to faint for half a day.
  • Restores sanity on a full moon.
Design Notes

  • HP: 150
  • Hunger: 175
  • Sanity: 200

Whitney is short (5'3"), slightly fit, but generally thin and of small build. His body is able to withstand large temperature changes and he has good health.

Half of his body is cut by a lightning scar, which is clearly visible only on his face and neck. Another constant attribute is a large and long braid, usually very tightly braided. Also, his hair turns into white strands on his fringe and braid (due to the presence of Piebaldism, which also reflects his eye color due to OA1 (Ocular albinism) and the presence of Photophobia). He usually has a very calm expression on his face, mainly because of his character and lowered eyelashes.


PAST (Before the Constant)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus bibendum tincidunt turpis. Nulla quis interdum lacus, ac porta eros. Nam sed blandit mauris. Etiam faucibus felis sapien, nec consequat metus sollicitudin in. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus vulputate nunc libero, at eleifend dui cursus vitae.

PRESENT (In the constant/outside the original plot)

Quisque a orci sollicitudin, volutpat ipsum in, pellentesque libero. Integer venenatis facilisis fringilla. Donec accumsan suscipit leo, vel rutrum tellus elementum ac.

Fusce auctor nisi diam, id molestie neque dapibus nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed nulla sem, consequat eu nulla eu, varius venenatis diam. Morbi ante lorem, mollis a odio a, mollis faucibus lorem. Nam ac commodo tortor.


Winona Close Friend/Romantic Interest

From the first day of his stay in the Constant, Whitney had a good friendly relationship with her. They spend time together quite often, since both are sitting at the base. Winona is always trying (by virtue of her character) to provoke Whitney into active activities and walks. However, she is unaware of romantic sympathy on his part.

Walter Junior comrade

Because of Walter's large and unobtrusive friendliness, Whitney began to treat him in a friendly way as well. Given Junior's fear of pain, Whitney has an irrational desire to take care of him.

Nevertheless, Whitney treats Walter's pet Wobi rather neutrally-positively. He thinks the main thing is that the dog does not get in the way and does not interfere.

Wilson Comrade

Whitney finds his ideas quite entertaining (as a fellow scientist), but he doesn't like Wilson's excessive fanaticism. They can find common topics for conversation, and Whitney communicates with him a little more often than with the others (excluding Winona and Walter).

Walley Comrade/pet?

Whitney doesn't really know how he feels about him. On the one hand, this is his friend, who also does work around the camp. On the other hand, it's a cat with his cat tricks. But Walley often follows him, so Whitney prefers to consider him something of a pet.