


1 year, 20 hours ago


Marigoldkit • Marigoldpaw • Marigoldwing
PineClan Warrior

Mother: Celosia
Father: Unknown
Adoptive Mother: Violetstar
Adoptive Father: Palewind
Sister: Blossomwind
Brothers: Tansyshade, Lilystorm

Mentor: Featherstar
Apprentices: Larchscar, Hawkthorn

Mates: Unknown, Beetleflight
Son: Palesun
Daughters: Swiftrain, Violetdawn

Marigoldwing is born to Celosia and an unknown tom. Violetstar kills her mother only a few days after she and her siblings are born, taking them in as her own and lying about them being her newborn kits with Hailmist. When they're a few moons old, Violetstar tells them that she had to lie about their father and that Palewind is their real father. Marigoldwing grows to her father almost immediately.

The truth about Hailmist not being their biological father causes Squirreltail to distance herself and disown them as her 'grandchildren'. This upsets Lilystorm, but Marigoldwing only minds a little. She is more interested in the spirits of the dead that she can see walking among the living. From the time she is a young 'paw, she is aware that her and two of her siblings are in a prophecy with special, StarClan-given powers. Marigoldwing knows what hers are and uncovers Lilystorm's ability to dreamwalk and Blossomwind's to feel the vibrations of pawsteps in the dirt. 

Around this same time, Violetstar's misdeeds are revealed to Marigoldwing and her siblings. They'd been shielded from it as their Clanmates were too afraid of Violetstar to tell them the truth about their mother. Marigoldwing takes a life from Violetstar to protect Alderpaw, an apprentice younger than her. This angers Violetstar, but she favors Marigoldwing too much to be anything other than angry with her.

Marigoldwing grows to resent her mother, hating all of the death and blood that had to be spilled under her leadership. As the prophecy draws to a close, she and her siblings kill Violetstar with deathberries as destined. Unlike Tansyshade, Blossomwind and Marigoldwing, Lilystorm takes this personally. Her brother withdraws from them, grieving the happy family he'd once known and finding himself down a dark path with an unknowing mate at his side. Marigoldwing finds Lilystorm over a queen's dead body at the border one day, the two fight and she kills her brother in the end. This causes her to panic and flee to her father in PineClan.

Marigoldwing settles into PineClan, has a litter of two kits, and is irritated when Featherstar tries to put a rift between her and her littermates. She finds out Palewind is not her real father and Violetstar was never her mother either. She's surprised, upset about Palewind, but happy to never have been Violetstar's kit. Marigoldwing moves on from that part of her life. Meeting Beetleflight at the border sometime later and falling pregnant with his kits. He turns his back on her at this news, leaving her to raise them alone. Palewind dies to Beetleflight's Clan a short while later, and Marigoldwing names her son after him.