


11 months, 26 days ago


Magic is something people see as a miracle in his world, those who possess magical powers are considered to be gifts from the heavens. But what happens when one individual becomes greedy and seeks more power for herself? That would be Rehin's mother. 

By greed and determination, she had achieved something that no living being in their world has done-- create life. But this life was not made pure but rather it costed the lives of multiple other magic users. Utilizing other magic users' souls/auras, Rehin's mother was able to create a being filled with so much power-- to the point that it may be disastrous.

Ever since Rehin was able to see and walk, his mother has put him through rigorous magic trainings. Rehin, who loved his mother dearly did not question it as he believes that she is only doing this out of love. However, unbeknownst to the young child, Rehin's mother only wanted to use him for her own desires-- to achieve greater power. In fact, she was using Rehin as a prototype for creating a new powerful body for herself.

One day, Rehin decided that he had enough once he had learned of the terrible truth of how he was brought into this world. He escaped his mother's kingdom and ran off to find his own identity and freedom. He wished to do magic to help others but he also needed to learn that he needed to care for himself before others as well.


- Rehin's bestie, Hat, is actually one of his spells gone wrong using a part of his fur strands. ( Hat is a joyous fellow that runs around and enjoys hitching a ride on Rehin's back or shoulders ) ( can only make small sounds; is not actually as intelligent as the creatures in Rehin's world )
- Rehin was 13 when he left the castle! He is currently 14 years old.
- Rehin is very kind and giving but to the point that it may hurt him ( he puts others needs before his )
- Rehin's aura is made of of different colors because of the countless souls/auras that make his soul ( you can pretty much say white )
- Rehin's scarves act like extra hands sometimes, he made them during his time in the castle.
- is very curious about the world outside the castle
- when feeling a  very negative emotion both sclera of the eyes become dark and eyes gleam brighter
- horns grow longer in length when using stronger magic but will eventually revert back to normal length after some time
- the star shape on his chest is pretty much like a belly button sort of thing yea-
- poofy hair because no one ever taught him to handle it
- scar on his right ankle due to the chains that kept him as his mother's prisoner