💙;; Levi



10 months, 15 days ago



I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.

Levi is a very go-with-the-flow nindroid, with a permanent :neutral_face: face and few things that really anger him. He's a graffiti artist- not a popular one, but a well respected one that no one has a face to. That and also being a Son of Garmadon, the law isn't very fond of him and neither are the ninja. Levi is incredibly passive about the ninja, just fighting them to complete his tasks and in self defence.

  • both of these boxes scroll!
  • traits (or trivia)
  • traits
  • traits
  • traits
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  • skill
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  • Hair is just a single thing of metal, no hair strands
  • Doesn't wear much else but his main outfit


As far as aesthetics go, he just sticks with the SOG style. He doesn't really care.

Body Markings

Whatever scars Levi gets, he doesn't repair. He likes his scars and doesn't see the need to waste his time or recources.


Levi was originally apart of the nindroid army created in season three. Just following orders, he caused a lot of property damage and hurt a lot of people trying to "keep them in line". Just like whatever surviving nindroids there were that weren't reprogrammed into security droids, he was thrown into prison with no one stopping to consider the circumstances that led him to hurting people.

Thinking that this wasn't fair, Levi managed to break out of prison and tried his best to live a normal life, but being on the run and refusing to cover up the fact he was a nindroid meant it was hard to find a job. With little options, and hate for Ninjago city for how it had treated him and the other nindroids in the nindroid army (and just nindroids in general), when he was requested to join the Sons Of Garmadon, he decided to join.


Levi doesn't really understand why Harumi's mad at the ninja, and doesn't understand why Garmadon was so important to bring back, but he was glad to have a place to go to and not feel too weird in comparison to everyone there. Levi also found out he really enjoys riding motorbikes, and uses any excuse he can to get out and ride his.

One day when Levi was trying to kill time, he found an nindroid fighting club. It wasn't legal and probably even less safe, but that was how everyday was for him anyways. When Levi arrived at the club and saw his opponent, he knew he likely didn't stand much of a chance. Somehow, through the fight, he managed to win anyways. That was suspicious enough, though some questions he had were answered when a human ran out and started yelling at the nindroid.

Putting two and two together- that this nindroid was there against their will, and that this human was likely going to hurt them, Levi offered to help the nindroid escape. It took little convincing. Both now running from the law, and/or a human that thought they had the right to own them, they ended up falling in love somewhere down the line and giving the nindroid their own name (Harmony). They form a little family- Levi, Harmony, and a random kid they adopted, Toby.


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Painting In The Rain - Todrick Hall