NuL-POOL (Deadpool-sona)



1 year, 2 months ago


Loves Naruto running into battle. No fear, only feral

Always has it's neck covered and will attack anyone that tries to touch or look at it's choker for too long.

Eat out of the trash. Loves to eat bones. Has very sharp teeth.

Can't laugh, it can only wheeze. That same wheeze is permeant when it talks.

Has day where it can't remember where or who it is and just ends up staring off into space. Hates it's face and all the robotic bits, on really bad days it goes straight into a attack whenever if it so much as catches a glimpse of it's body or face.

Like to says some really out of pocket shit just cause. It's favorite joke is when someone asks for a hand, it throws it's hand at them then asks if they need two and throws it's arm at them too.

Is almost fully blind in it's right eye but the left can still make out shapes. The "eyes" in it's mask are LEDs and change with it's expressions. Due to pretty much being blind, it's headphones are designed to act as text-to-speech whenever it has to read anything.

It's bag is basically a bag of holding. It stole the bag from Doctor Strange.