
1 year, 4 days ago






Bango is an ancient stuffed giraffe doll in which is horribly deformed.

She hails from a completely different time period and world than most of the other residents on Hatchala.

Bango has a very active personality. While it is true that she is easygoing and laidback, she is also hyperactive and tends to move around a lot. While she's not very smart--and often believes that nothing bad will ever happen to her--Bango is extremely friendly. It's impossible for her to see anyone, or anything really, as a threat. She likes EVERYONE.

species Key Demon

mental age 40 yo

height 0'11" (at shoulder)

length 4'1" (nose to tail)

weight 12 lbs

pronouns she/her

hometown Swanvannah City

current residence Onyxtown

  • Spiders and insects
  • Crossword puzzles
  • Spicy food and hot sauce

  • Milk
  • Sharp objects
  • Large bodies of water

+ Bango is a light sleeper, fast to snooze but easily woken up.

+ Despite there being no functional cars on Hatchala, Bango has a driver's license and can operate a motorized vehicle.

+ Perpetually smells like spoiled milk and is always a little damp to the touch.

+ Licks rubber spiders and electrically charges them with her saliva. These spiders then can be thrown to create an explosive portal.

+ Has no blood, stomach, brain, but can bleed stuffing, eat and drink, and think. Don't ask why.


Found Family

Despite her love for everyone, Bango cherishes her relationship with Ziggy above them all. Bango met Ziggy and his siblings, Twig and Lawnei, in a pocket dimension after abusing her portal abilities. She quickly grew to like his quiet nature and he enjoyed her positive company. Bango made a habit of telling him everything that entered her mind. She's always around him and rarely leaves his side, lest she be alone.


Found Family

Twig has always been purely fascinated by Bango's "biology"--if you could call it that. Bango, in turn, enjoys all the questions and attention Twig gives her. Bango met Twig along with his two siblings, Ziggy and Lawnei, by chance in a very harsh dimension. Between both of his siblings, Twig is the only one who can keep up with Bango's chatter and, in fact, he even feeds off of it. When the two of them are together they will not stop talking.


Found Family

Bango easily matches Lawnei's mischevious energy, yet believes Lawnei is prone to taking her jokes too far. Early in their relationship, Lawnei's siblings, Ziggy and Twig, deserted Bango and their sister in search of Folly. Lawnei and Bango moved in together for a bit. She'd often help Lawnei in her scams and heists but quickly grew tired of the practice as her concern for Twig and Ziggy grew.


Close Friend

Bango is appreciative of Leap's humor and hospitality. She met Leap while Ziggy and her were drifters. Leap allowed them both to share her home and Bango became incredibly close with the rest of Leap's family. In return for the good graces of Leap, Bango became an aunt-like figure to Leap's children, Prowl and Exo.

Bango doesn't directly dislike Osseus, she at least tries to tolerate him and treat him like a friend. However, she's aware of his history with Ziggy. Which makes her less likely to stand up for Osseus when Ziggy starts to lose his patience. On top of that, Osseus has no patience for Bango.



Bango likes Krystal, however the feeling is not mutual. Regardless, Bango is not offended by Krystal's hostility towards her. Being that Krystal is only 14 years old, Bango is infinitely patient and friendly with her, as she is aware that Krystal doesn't know any better.



Bango thinks Flamethrower's name is the coolest one she's ever heard. Because of this, Bango has a layer of respect for him. She's aware that Flamethrower is highly cautious of her. However, in true Bango fashion, she doesn't let his aloof attitude get in the way of her starting a conversation.



Scorpion and Bango are very good friends. Both of them feed off each other's energy and shared affinity for bugkind. Bango's outgoing nature is familiar with Scorpion's hyperactivity. Whenever they're together they crave new stimuli and fresh experiences. The only thing that stops their excursions is the fact that their loyalties lie on opposite ends.

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