🐳Umu's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

whiskeypawes Global Rules
General Rules
  • Breaking my TOS will result in a blacklist from my art and possession of my designs.
  • You may not resell a design for more than purchased without the presence of commissioned artwork.
  • Personal artwork does not count towards a character's value, nor do art trades or gifts.
  • To update a character's resale value, please contact me (valhowlla).
  • When updating or making a new refsheet for a character, a creator credit link is always required back to me (unless it is on toyhouse).
  • Claiming my artwork or designwork as your own is strictly banned and will result in a blacklist.
  • To avoid using my designs as fodder, please wait a week or 2 before reselling or retrading. Exceptions apply to emergancies.
Concerning Redesigns
  • You are free to redesign any of my designs as long as the design can be reasonably seen as derived from the original design. Redesigning a character completely (changing a purple pegasus to an orange buffalo with entirely different markings - basically creating an entirely different character) will not count as a redesign and instead should be thought of as a new character without ties to the initial design.
  • All redesigns must be resold with the original design. You may keep original design in a separate tab, but the designs must stay linked.
Concerning Co-Ownership and breedables
  • Unless I myself say otherwise, Co-owning any of my designs is not allowed. It can lead to messes and headaches and I find it best to avoid it completely.
  • My designs are not allowed to be used as breedables (mixing a design with another to create "offspring" in order to sell). Creating a family for personal use is fine, but do not use those designs to generate income.
Concerning Trades for Artwork
  • When trading a design in return for artwork, the value of the artwork must be equal or lower than the current value of the design.
    *** Please avoid underselling your artwork! Do not trade 15 fullbodies for a $20 design! Know your value.
  • Once a design is traded in return for artwork, it cannot be sold again until another commissioned piece is added to their gallery. The design, however, is still trade for another design or artwork.
  • If a character is traded for art equalling to less than its current value, its new trade value is equal to the sum of the artwork's value.
Concerning Trades for Other Designs
  • When trading a character, keep in mind the values of each design. A design of low value (say $20) is traded for a design of high value (say $150), the previously $150 design is now worth $20 - and the previously $20 design is now worth $150. These values cannot be raised until commissioned artwork is added to their galleries.
Concerning NFTs and crypto
  • Neither my artwork nor designs are allowed to be used or sold as NFTs (non-fundible-tokens). They are also not allowed to be purchased with any crypto currency. Doing either of these things will result in a blacklist.