Lilac's Comments

I can offer 7k points 

Hi, you got em! Please send the point here, once they’re sent, I will transfer over the design

For the additional art for surpassing $65, it’d be easier of you could contact my instagram or discord! Both are by the name “florafauxx”

Sent!! What’s your discord tag? 

Got the points, thank you! I hot the username update where there is no longer the tag & numbers. Try “florafauxx” or “florafauxx#3612) maybe? Otherwise let me know your discord user & I will try to contact you :) 

Design is pending as well! 

Request sent! 

i'll offer 65$ :)

Someone offered 7k points! (Translates to  $87.50) if you’d like to outbid them, please reply to their comment on this page to create a bidding chain!