lf ocs nd customs!'s Comments

Hi! I have a sparkledog batch that you could look at since you said you were looking for those! https://toyhou.se/25395692.15-sparkledog-adopts-33

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Would you like to trade for anyone here? https://toyhou.se/TastyAce/characters/folder:1715895

I'm also entertaining offers on characters in these folders!  Just be sure to read the folder description in the last one.   https://toyhou.se/TastyAce/characters/folder:4273422



i have anyone in my unsorted if they interest you!

Feel free to look in my TH for anyone! I only ask that you steer clear of the Off Limits! Thank you and have a good day/night! :)

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almost my entire toyhouse up for offers! im looking for art and customs :3

my whole th is ufo !

I've got characters ufs/uft in here! I linked you directly to the start of my for trade only characters, so feel free to explore from pages 5-9! USD ocs are strictly USD at this time thank you for understanding ;v;

Here’s a little purge I got going on!! 

oo i loved these two!! https://toyhou.se/22088042.sillay , https://toyhou.se/22060951.tbn how much art/customs would you be wanting for them ? :D

Whoops forgot to fix it! The first one is on a 1•month cooldown, so unless you want to wait I can’t do them ^^” second one is pending! If anybody else interests you Lmk but it’s chill if not!

o well https://toyhou.se/14470486.tbn also interested me ^^ + im willing to wait for the first one :D

Alr! Feel free to offer whatever you’d like btw!

how abt a halfbody and a bust or two ? :D

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I have some characters up for trade here


my whole th is ufo as of right now

i rlly liked https://toyhou.se/15043214.daisy-drop ^o^ what are you lf for them?

A lot of people have eyes on Daisy drop atm actually lol, so I’ll get back to you if i don’t hear any sorts of feedback for Daisy drop

HIHI!!! I habe some open!!! https://toyhou.se/Blue0T33th/characters/folder:3793633 Im mainly look for art of my fursona or persona!! <333


i habe this bulletin of all chars Ufo/EO and there r sparkledogs n emo chars :0


although id need to authorise You to see them, is it ok if i auth You??

i can take a custom or two :D

yeah its alright you can auth me :D!!

sweet! just aughred:3

i rlly liked https://toyhou.se/9443034.yaya-emo !! how many customs/art would you want for them?

one custom :00

can You do a furry anthro cat based on bass zombie from PvZ2 China? :0

yeah!! ill get started on that soon :3c

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i finished it!! sorry that it took awhile ^^”

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