


11 months, 18 days ago


Name: Lambpaw

Age: 8 moons

Gender: Demi-Girl (She/They)

Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice

Clan: Birchclan

Lambkit -> Lambpaw

Lambpaw is a short pudgy She-Cat who is Birchclans acting Med Cat Apprentice. They have unusually thick and curly fur that is difficult to groom, because of this she has mats on her back that mimic small wings. Her shaggy fur has also grown over her eyes which can make her a bit clumsy. She is a very talkative cat who has a veracious thirst for knowledge. She will sit and listen to anyone’s stories for hours, and retell the same stories to absolutely anyone who will listen. Her excitement behind learning can lead her to being easily tricked or manipulated, they are very gullible. Between her love of the clan’s history, responsive attitude, and strange wing like mats she felt like an obvious choice for a medicine cat apprentice. Her ultimate goal is to be able to take care of and heal her clanmates so they can experience life for many more moons to come, she wants to learn their stories so she can keep their memories alive even past their death. She is eager and more than ready to serve her clan.

+ Inquisitive
+ Eager
+ Responsive

• Talkative
• Excitable
• Imaginative

- Frivolous
- Clumsy
- Gullible

Born to a single queen Lambkit was a unique kit from the beginning her unique distinctive curly white and black coat turned heads. From the time she opened her eyes her curiosity was apparent, she questioned most everything day in day out. Her mother filled her heads with all kinds of fantastical tales about their ancestors and the clans past, fact and fiction blurred together and Lambkit didn’t mind one bit. Anytime a cat came to visit her or her littermates in the nursery she would demand a story of anything they could think of. She loved anything with drama or intrigue, and when she was old enough to leave the den she spent a lot of time by the elders pestering them for tales of their lives. She never was one to play fight with other cats instead she just wanted to learn and listen, it wasn’t too long until she was retelling these stories to her mother and siblings regardless of whether they had already heard them or not.

Their fur grew fast and between the curls and thickness it was difficult for her mother to groom, mats began forming on her back that mimicked small wings. Whispers traveled through camp that her faux wings might be a sign from starclan that she would be the clans next medicine cat apprentice, of course this was not for them to decide, Dovewhisper would be the final say on that. As Lambkit and her siblings where assigned their mentors, she was delighted to learn that she would officially be studying to become a medicine cat. The young cat was tickled pink at the idea of learning how to care for her clan, she felt like it was the perfect time to spend time and get to learn everything there was to know about her clanmates. She wanted to learn each and every cats story so she could keep them alive not only physically as a medicine cat but spiritually through their memory, she wanted to be able to tell their stories even after their passings. She is doing a decent job in her apprenticeship, she is responsive to learning the herbs and their appearances but has a tendency to get sidetracked as she doesn’t know when to stop talking.

Bonus Notes:

- She gets a kick out of fantasizing what her siblings warrior names might be, she loves learning about why cats received their respective names.

- They don’t have a particularly special connection to starclan her ‘wings’ are just a result of difficult to groom fur

- As a kit she liked to put feathers in her ‘wings’ and pretended she could fly

- She doesn’t see much reason in discerning fact from fiction or folklore from real life as she believes every story has a basis in reality

- She was once called Lambhowl as a joke because of how much she talks despite having a mentor named Dovewhisper

- They despise mud as it’s particularly hard for them to clean out of their own fur: they have a tendency to obsessively groom themself

-Their tail is bobbed it just has long fur on it