


11 months, 29 days ago


Name: Zach Hammond (a.k.a Hammie)

Age: 26

Preferred Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 5'6"

Hometown: Sunyshore City, Sinnoh


    Hammie overall doesn't talk much, preferring to keep to himself, very much an introvert. When he does talk or speak it is normally in short straight to the point sentences, reading as a bit blunt to others, or super over sarcastic remarks. Online he can be a bit of a chatter box, often responding to questions of forum posts with paragraphs of text in topics he holds interests in. Despite his unwavering stoicism he acts as Binx's right hand man and plays as much a part in the Poketube channel as Binx does. He is fairly intelligent and is a diligent hard worker who takes a lot of pride in what he does. If Binx is out and about Hammie is most likely close by filming, editing, or keeping an eye out for good spots to do future shoots. He is in love with his work and feels a certain sense of loyalty to his old friend Binx. The two often bicker or butt heads but at the end of the day they seem to get along.

    When not doing things for the channel (which lets be honest is not very often) he can be found on rodent pokemon care forums sharing proper care tips for Dedenne specifically. He is very passionate about proper rodent pokemon care and will correct you if you are not doing it right. He has done alot of research on the topic and while not a professional by trade is looked up to in the small community having his own blog page he updates with pictures of Cache in his free time. He is a staunch Poryphone supporter also enjoys 'debating' with Rotom Phone users. He is very dead pan in voice and in humor. He isn't quick to frustrate but he doesnt come off as particularly compassionate to others.



    Hammie was born and raised in Sunyshore, his family ran a small chain of computer part suppliers that eventually got bought out by a bigger company for a small fortune. His parents purchased a condo in the resort area on the valor lakefront which is were he met Binx. By that time Hammie's family often referred to him as a 'junior photographer' as he would go out to collect photos of pokemon that his dad or mom would later print out and post on the fridge. The day he met Binx was a bit after Binx had turned 10 and already had their faithful encounter with their partner Wick the smeargle. Hammie happened upon them after being drawn in by some fireworks the pair were setting off. He spent the day taking lots of photos of Binx, Wick, and Binx's family's Luxray, Vladimir the 8th. He was amazed by the shots they were able to get together and the 2 really hit it off. They hung out on and off for the week before Binx's family went back to Hearthome, this week was always a warm memory in the back of Hammie's mind but he didn't have a way to reach out to his friend.

    In school Hammie was fairly accomplished but was a bit of an outcast, not one for in person conversation as most people found his flat mood to be a sign of boredom. On his 10th birthday his parents bought him a Dedenne to act as his first pokemon and he fell in love with electric rodent pokemon  immediately. He spent a lot of time on online forums talking about proper rodent pokemon care and common misconceptions. When he was about 15 he came across a link to a poketube video about unique pokemon crossbreeds by a page called Nova Farms and was astonished to see his old friend Binx showing off some interesting pokemon they had bred themself. On a whim he sent Binx a PM asking if they rembered him and attached some of the old photos he had taken. To his astonishment Binx responded with excitement and the two caught up. After some chatting Binx asked if Hammie would be intrested in helping him film sometime. Hammie eagerly agreed as he still enjoyed photography and videography as a hobby. The two hung out and filmed a lot, Binx's father even paid for Hammie to go to an extensive film camp to really 'get an edge' on the field. When Binx turned 18 they offered Hammie a fulltime paid position as their Cameraman as Nova farms was growing more and more in popularity. He of course agreed and stuck by Binx through controversy after controversy often looking up to them all the same.

    Hammie was actually the first person to recieve one of the notorius 'pink' pikachus when he was gifted Ken, who had been trained professionally to act as a filming aid for Hammie by a family friend. Binx had prenamed the pokemon to match their own Pink Pal Barbie, the two were littermates. It wasn't long until Hammie noticed the pokemon's color fading after switching them from the suggested Pokefood Binx had recommended. When the news dropped that Binx had been forcing results by feeding them a diet high in pinkan berries, Hammie was rightfully upset. They argued for a while and as a result he lost alot of the respect he once had for Binx. He stayed as he had a lot of pride in his work, and deep down still cared for his friend, this does not stop him from making snide/ sarcastic remarks when Binx is up to their own antics. After the controversy died down Binx tried to convince Hammie to switch Ken's diet to the new Mr. Pink's Pinkan Berry substitute diet when they got sponsored by the company, Ken refused to after looking up the side effects of the food which it seemed to have a lot of. He is always telling Binx to stop slipping it to Ken, it is unknown how much longer Hammie can keep this up.

Other info: The white on Hammie's outfit is reflective safety tape to keep safe while filming in the dark | Outfit Ref | He works for Binx