

10 months, 27 days ago


The muppet-fication of an Architect. Unhinged scientist with little to no sense of self-preservation that survived Kharaa by.... simply not being there. Was doing a black hole study. Ever heard of an ergosphere? E was in that.

Stubbornly residing in a heavily damaged, outdated, irradiated as hell vessel, corroded by acids and alcalines and other extreme substances. Missing er right arm from the elbow down, doesn't care because how often to Architects *actually* need to use their limbs? That's what the mechanical arms are for! These organic things are expendable, and you wouldn't believe how quickly you can get data on the chemical makeup of volcanic sulphur pools just by touching it. Much quicker than taking a sample to a lab! Stop asking when I last got a data integrity check. How did e lose the arm? Touching volcanic sulphur pools, why do you ask?

- is also banned from piloting shuttles (would not stop driving straight into planetary nebulas to take measurements, at the expense of the ship and likely erself if not for intervention)

- Data processors are mildly corrupted, resulting in misunderstanding or misinterpreting new information (like human language and how pronouns/gender works). Adamantly refuses to admit this

- Very rarely learns eir lesson when it comes to life-threatening situations.