
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust; If I laugh too hard, my seams might bust

Forbidden Zone- Oingo Boingo


Boogie B.

Boogie, Barnabus, Boogie B., the spook, or whatever you call it is a shadowy canine figure who hides under covered stairs. It waits for unsuspecting visitors to walk up, and the spook gently pokes them so they stub their toes A master of surprise, chance, and luck. Boogie B. Plays their cards right so you fall into their hands -er- paws? The spook is too high and mighty to think of anything or anyone else other than stepping stones to get what they want, especially if they want something bad Harmless in shadow form... Can't say the same for when he's not... Character inspired by Oogie boogie

  • interests: Pulling pranks, causing mischief, taking risks
  • dislikes: Being bored, having to listen to people, feet- mostly because he usually doesn't have any...
  • species: Shadow canine (???Belgian Sheepdog???)

Colors on this boi

  • ♦️#8F10AC
  • ♠️#7B5AAA
  • ♥️#251B1C
  • ♣️#FAE788
  • ♦️#0BC278

art by jennfreckles · code by @sardiine