Suzume Yumishi



10 months, 25 days ago


suzume yumishi

Pronouns : She/her

Age : 23 years old

Sexuality : Lesbian

Birthday : February 14th

Height : 5'1

Race : Xaela

Class : Bard 

voiceclaim - susato mikotoba

originally from doma. parents planned an escape, though they and her siblings were killed by garlean imperials - leaving her alone in ul'dah. doesn't remember her parents very well but before her parents died her father passed down his bow to her, leading her to take up archery. she later travels to gridania to learn about archery, eventually joining the scions of the seventh dawn.

shares the warrior of light title with fyth

suzume's hobbies include cooking, botany, and carpentry!!

while caring to a fault, shes not afraid to tell somebody the brutal truth if needed. on the outside, she's cheerful and hates feeling down, always trying to spread joy. inside she is skeptical and is wary of people she doesn't know due to her childhood. she doesnt have many close bonds at first due to her being untrusting.