


5 years, 11 months ago


Name: Miriam Shuri Alya

Gender: Female

Species: African Wild Dog

Age: 32

Sexual orientation: Bisexual with a male preference

Height: 5'4''

Personality: Socially fluid, cheerful, manipulative, selfish, eager to change

Miriam was born to a wealthy English family in the year 2219, Shuri had an easy childhood, leading to her becoming spoiled and manipulative, with her parents doting on her. Her Intelligence and social prowess allowed her to become quite the manipulator, but as she grew older she became less focused on simple material possessions and favors, and devoted her life to science and "bettering" herself. Now she manipulates to increase her freedom to study and experiment, and has even sold some concoctions to dodgy customers in order to keep her studies afloat. However, after nearly being killed in a mugging, her attitude changed severely. She decided to pursue the best for all species, and began to specialise in xeno-anatomy and biology in order to understand the universe around her. The Stardust project has given her an opportunity to develop her mission further and to turn her erstwhile shady life around. She is still manipulative, but keeps it under check, and has began to form true bonds with those around her using her social intuition. However, she keeps a knife with her at all times (her knowledge of anatomy allows her to overcome her lack of fighting ability and target weak spots as long as she is not noticed) and her skill at creating poisons has not been dulled.

Relationships: Has a bit of a crush on Aiixen's character Fang. She knows he is also trying to start over, and sees her own aspirations in him.

Voice: Similar to Freema Agyeman