

Gareth of the Griffins

Gender: Male (Trans) | Pronouns: He/Him | Age:  (b.) | Height: 5'11"  | Species: Witcher  (Human)

 Profession: Witcher | Affiliation: School of the Griffin

Sexuality: Gay

Language ProficienciesCommon, CSL (C2), Witcher's Cant/WC (C1), Gnomish (B2), Dwarvish (B1)


  • Long, dark hair that's frequently half tied up into a bun. An undercut is visible when tied up
  • Two sets of scars on his face
  • Chest: Somewhat thick keyhole surgery scars
  • Other misc. scars
  • Respectful and polite, as expected of his School of the Griffin training
  • Will absolutely smack-talk once out of earshot though 
  • Usually fairy laid-back and calming, and always keeps his cool in a fight. Can also be a worrywart to those he cares about
  • (Quietly) Mad competitive. Tell him he can't do something? Watch him.

Quick Overview
  • Strongest Sign: Yrden
  • A head injury from a monster throwing him during a Hunt caused him to lose a majority of hearing in his right ear. 
    • Since his left side is easier to hear from, he'll try to subtly angle his head during conversations when speaking to those who don't know he's HoH.
  • Back when monsters roamed far more and it was seen as honorable for children to become Witchers, Gareth was handed to a Witcher after completion of a contract in hopes that he would grow into the noble profession
    • Since Kaer Seren is all he's ever known, he doesn't hold a resentment towards the Witchering life like some of his other peers might.
    • Yes the Witcher life is difficult, but it can be fulfilling in its own way too. He can help those in need, meet wonderful people, and explore lovely locations.
  • Attended the Mahakam Ale Festival in 1267
    • Met many of the races that inhabit this area, including Gnomes. Made friends and began learning the rare language
    • Also met a wonderful man he's still yearning for 8 years later
  • A contract led him to freeing a caravan that was transporting various nonhumans to sell at an auction in Novigrad. 
    • He could not in good conscious abandon the young elven-looking girl named Nessa without a place to go. And so the two traveled together until they came across a traveling troupe that accepted her, although he still trailed for a while to ensure she was safe.
  • Met Nessa again a few years later, and the two became close friends over the years

more tba

Witcher Timeline



★ Other OCs: ★

Nessa: Saved her as a teenager, now they are close friends. Every time he's in the same town she is (typically Oxenfurt and Novigrad, but sometimes elsewhere), they always take time to hang out. She always teases him about the handsome man he met at the last Mahakam Ale Festival, but he started teasing her back once she discovered she may have a bit of a fancy for the local herbalist. Taught her Common Sign Language, and is grateful for when she speaks on his good side and/or Signs when he's fatigued.


Giselle: A sorceress he came across on his journeys, the two becoming cordial acquaintances over their shared interest in the Gnomish language. Invited her to Kaer Seren so he could teach it to her.

✦ Canon Characters: ✦

Old Keldar (Griffin): Current leader of the Griffin School. Back when Gareth was completing his Griffin Trials, he chose the option to retrieve a griffin's egg. However, he secretly memorized the Liber Tenebrarum out of spite due to Keldar ridiculing students. He recited it to Old Keldar one day before he left to embark on his first Path, baffling the seasoned monster instructor. If Gareth chose the easier task with the egg, then why memorize this text? Because he could.

Coën (Griffin):

