


6 years, 16 days ago

Basic Info


Ayita Fairway






Neither of Autumn's parents are mermaids but her father's mother was and he carried the gene down to her.
Her mother is half air witch and so her brothers and one of her sisters are various states of witches as well.

Her parents were surprised when she came out a mermaid but they decided to keep her close like the rest of their children instead of traditionally giving her over to mermaids. Because of the care she needed though they sent their witch children to the island of Ronwe early for their schooling so they could care for Autumn and her brother.

She lives with her family in a lighthouse, her father being the keeper. They managed to modify it so that there is a pool in the floor that leads out to the ocean so she can come and go freely. There is an section in-between that has been furnished into her bedroom and living space.

There is a boy in the village they live near that Autumn likes but his mother deters him from hanging out with her. When she gets her legs at 16 she decides to travel the world by herself so she can see what she missed out on that her siblings got to experience.

After traveling for a few years she returns and meets the boy again now a man and they reform a relationship.

She has two older sisters, one older brother, and a twin brother.

Other than her twin brother, Geist, Autumn is closest to her older sister Summer as she does not have witch blood and so stayed at home and helped out around the house, often watching over her and playing with her.