


6 years, 28 days ago


One of my Dnd characters. Darius is a Tielfing Bard; he is a liar and is all about self-preservation. He's a compulsive liar; his party members know him by a false name (Kara) and many others do as well. He LOVEs being a big ol' jerk, constantly uses vicious mockery. Always delivering biting insults in the forms of mean limericks. He is gay, but will flirt with anyone in order to try and throw off their game. 

His goal is to survive while having a great time. Chaotic Neutral.  

I need to get more refs of him, I have too many sketchbook doodles of my boi, but not enough digital drawings. 

Design details

-Has cloven hooves and goat like legs

-Four horns; based off of a Jacob Sheep

-Prehensile tail, plain, matches his skin tone

-Wears leather armour, tends to completely cover his body

-Deep scars around neck, and many others on face and body

-Plays a wooden flute and fights with twin daggers and a shortbow

-Too sassy for his own good

-He has a brand of a wvyren on the left of his lower back, he tries to keep this covered for the most part 

-Mostly stoic faced, scowling, or laughing at the misfortunes of others

-Very jaded by his past