Mothkid - Cryptid Persona (Mothkid- IndieVille/Nostalgia)



4 years, 11 months ago

■ Name: MothKid
Gender: They/Them
■ height - 7ft (they tol)
Class: Beserker

■ Favorite Food: Spaghetti and Meatballs
■ Items: Charms, A poetry Journal 
■ Personality: Mothkid is your average Gentle and Shy Cutie-pie. they have some Social Anxiety and often comes off as Nervous in situations that are new or uncomfortable to them. As a Berserker, they can accidentally lash out with their sharp claws and will be very sorry and ashamed afterward. they just want to be loved
■ Stats: 15+5
     LUCK: 7

■ Background: Mothkid grew up by themself in a forest, and had never known any other of their kind before. Their luck allowed them to somehow always appear right before a disaster (like the original myths), hoping to warn humans of the danger. It was hard work, and humans would only get scared and bring in more humans to investigate. After moving to Indieville, everything seems to be going alright. They majored in Creative Writing at the community college before trying to find a job. They are very skilled at gardening and enjoy the different colors found in plants (but mostly cacti and succulents)They found work at the Meadow brook grocers, but their social anxiety makes it hard for them to keep their job. They were hoping to save up enough money to do something they like.
Current: mothkid was finally able to save up enough to start up a small botanical garden. With their amazing garneding skills they were able to turn the run down plot of land into a beautiful park. It runs off of donations, and now mothkid doesnt have to serve impatient strangers as a casheir anymore!  they still run their blog on cacti, aesthetic, and poetry, and you may find them sitting or working in the botanical gardens occasionally.

■ RP Method: Notes, Discord, Comments, (apparantly drawing/comic panel rps are a thing? never done it but sounds fun)
■ Shipping?: (I'm fine if you want to ship him, but I don't do nsfw)

■ Job: Meadowbrook grocers as a Cashier (they hate it there)
■ Age: 22-24~
■ Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Open to trying new things
■ Race: Moth Man (2nd sightings)
■ Ethnicity: Fuzzy moth
■ Other:
The fur around the neck is a part of their body, not the sweater.
They are the embodiment of the cactus hipster aesthetic XD
Like a moth, they are attracted to light, but harsh noises (like a car horn) can set off their beserker side.
Things that are similar to their cryptid counterpart: Red eyes, affinity to disaster, can fly straight up without flapping their wings, claws and car chasing

Mothid Related:
+ Joined early- 50$
+ IndieVille - Cactus Hipster Blog = 50$
+ IndieVille - Cloudy Mood = 50$
- Opened Botanical Gardens = 75$
+ Message Me? - Indieville = 50$
+ Can't Hold Every Moth (Height Chart) - Indieville = 140$
+ A Very Mothy Picnic - IndieVille = 150$
+ Event Ch1 prt 1 = 130$
+ Event Ch1 Prt 2 = 110$
+ Indieville - Cursed Image = 50$
+ Indieville 8 facts OC meme = 0
total: 705$