AngelicaClan Lore



11 months, 27 days ago


Clan's backstory:

Periwinkle was a house cat.  Her owner was an old woman - a  former doctor - and she had a very  large garden in their home,  Periwinkle always loved to watch them  studying about medicine and felt  close to the herbs and plants somehow.  Her life was great until the day  her owner suddenly passed away from  old age, Periwinkle found herself  hopeless for the first time in her  life.

Her  best friend and mate Wisteria, a stray cat who lived  nearby, took care  of her and they went on a journey to a place Wisteria  really liked, a  large valley covered in angelica plants. They lived  there together for a  few moons, until they were attacked by a large  owl, and Wisteria killed  it but she was hurt and bleeding, they didn't  have humans to take care  of her. Periwinkle did her best to stop the  bleeding with the little  knowledge her beloved owner had taught her.

During   that time Periwinkle started having strange dreams about Spirits and  something calling out to her. Together they travelled further into the territory,  finding the Sun's Stone. Periwinkle felt connected to it  somehow and  when she slept in it for a night she was visited by strange spirits  again, they were bright and she couldn't see them, only hear them and  feel their warmth in her heart. The Spirits told her she was chosen to  become a Sage, to heal and talk with the cats in the  beyond. They  renamed her Periwinkleheart. She knew this was something special, and  she shared her dream with her mate, who seemed confused but tried her  best to understand. Together they took in a few other cats  who appeared  in the territory, promising that in this group they would  take care of  each other. Wisteria was renamed Wisteriablossom by Periwinkleheart,  this was in honor of her caring nature and how she  helped blossom the  group into the clan it is today. Together they named  the clan  Angelicaclan, in honor to the angelica plants that led them to  the  territory.

Culture and traditions

-  The Sages are extremely respected within the clan. They are the ones to  receive messages from the beyond and to heal their clanmates so their  word overpower the leader's during times of crisis, though it is  recommended that they work together.

- The Sages are also emotional support for each cat in the clan.

-  Because of their importance in the clan, The Sages cannot be chosen by  the leader, only by the other Sages after a trial that happens when the  oldest Sage deems necessary or when all the current Sages are dead (if  they left the clan they are not considered dead so trials cannot be hold  until approved by them).

-  Kittens become apprentices at 6 moons old but at the age of 5 they must  meet their mentors so they can start bonding and learning about  territory and their role within the clan. The bond between teacher and  student is extremely sacred.

- Every birth is celebrated by the whole clan and expecting cats are very well respected.

-  When an apprentice graduate they decorate themselves and their dens  with flowers and painting of their choice + angelica clan petals to  symbolize their loyalty to the clan and the spirits.

-  They believe the spirits of their ancestors reside on each flower in  the valley they live in. Plants, herbs and flowers are sacred.

-  During summer solstice they paint themselves and adorn their fur with  berries, leaves and/or flowers to have a big feast at sunhigh. This  celebration is to celebrate the Sun, new life in the clan and to ask  their ancestors for more blessings in their lives. On that day, kittens  are taken to The Peaceful Meadows where they gather as many flowers as  they can with the supervision of warriors. If the flowers are still  fresh and good until the end of the day, that's a sign the kittens are  blessed by the Sun.

- During the first day of spring, they allow outsiders to join the clan.

- Kittens born on the first day of spring must have a flower related name as it is seen a blessing.

-  Mateships happen at dawn and must be approved by the oldest Sage at the  time. It happens by the Sun Stone where the couple and the Sages will  stay on. The kittens, apprentices and family members of the couple will  be the ones to decorate the area, gathering as many flowers as they can  to bless the new couple. The couple will craft flower crowns or flower  cuffs for each other using the materials they've collected. 

-  When cats die, The High Ranks will spend a whole day without eating to  honor and respect the new spirit joining their ancestors. While not  obligated, it is recommended that family and friends also don't eat.  They are buried by the Sage and the elders when the sun goes down. Any  cat can attend the funeral if they wish but all the High Ranks must be  there. The family will adorn the fallen cats' nests towards the Sun  Stone with their favorite flowers to help to guide their spirit to the  beyond.

- At 15 moons of age, apprentices can become full warriors but only after they finish a trial in which they have to race to see who can catch more prey from dawn until midday. When the time is over they bring all the prey they've caught to feast with all the members in the clan, thanking the Sun for their lives and welcoming the new members in the clan forces. All apprentices become warriors at that time unless the Sage and the leader agree that they aren't ready, being that for not being able to catch any prey, misbehavior or punishment. After the feast is done, they must sleep on top of the Sun's Stone, to guard the clan for the first time as an official warrior and to feel closer to their ancestors.

- At the end of winter, all the members of Angelicaclan, especially the kittens, caretakers and elders, plant flowers through their territory and focus their attention on taking care of the flora. They usually wear angelicas, wisterias and periwinkles as accessories or turn them into paint for that celebration. It lasts an entire week, showing to their ancestors how grateful they are for the start of another season.

Trivia/fun facts

-  They are the oldest clan in the valley

- They used to be super friendly and good before a sickness killed all the high ranks, making the cats think that the Spirits were angry at them, so they chose Fadingstar to become the leader and, with her quick to anger personality, she started to give Angelicaclan the reputation of aggressive

- Half of the flowers that cover the Peaceful Meadow were planted by Periwinkleheart. All cats take care of that huge garden she made

- They have had 7 generations of leaders at this point. [Wisteriablossom, Hyacinthpurr, Hazelburrow, Liliumwhisper, Melodysnow, Fadingstar, Spidersting]
- They have had 12 generations of sages at this point. [Periwinkleheart, Chicorybite, Raindance, Candytuft, Lynxflame, Oddtree, Sneezebat, Toadcall, Cottonpaw, Duckberry, Goldenstone, Wasppaw].