


11 months, 7 days ago


AFTRMF 08/17/2018
Species: Human, Infected
Gender: F (she/her)
Color: Black
Codename: n/a
Position: Captain, n/a
Role: Varied, n/a
Background: Astronaut
Status: TBD
Apperances: Reprisal


  • Hat: The Last Wipe


Blessing is the captian of her crew, and is known for taking everything “just the right amount of serious.” She’s serious enough that everything that needs to get done does indeed get done, but relaxed enough where the crew never hesitates to come to her with questions. She’s willing to give some leeway if tasks aren’t done, but will also remind the crew that they are where to do a job. Blessing’s twin sister, the first officer Wonder, will often drag her into so-called morale boosting events that usually just end up being pranks. While not the mastermind behind them, she often allows them to happen, and may even participate herself. However, when tragedy strikes, she immediately loses that sense of humor and becomes focused only on finding a way out of this place.

As Impostor (Human):
Blessing would usually refuse to participate as impostor if her sister is a crewmate. She wouldn’t go so far as to out herself and the other impostors to the crew, but she would make the other impostors promise not to harm her sister- and they’d typically listen out of respect for her. On the flip side, when she and Wonder are both impostor at the same time, the rest of the crew doesn’t stand a chance.

As Impostor (Alien):
As an alien, she is rather cold and calculating. Despite taking over Blessing quickly, this alien seemed to managed to keep its wits about it and not go completely bloodthirsty. She’s very determined to complete her objective, and will be frustrated at other impostors if she doesn’t deem them to be working hard enough or efficiently enough. She thinks she should be in charge of the operation, but will listen to authority begrudgingly.

STORY:(click on each section title to expand)

pre-consequences (Polus)

Blessing and her twin sister Wonder trained with MIRA as an astronaut. Blessing was selected as the crew’s captain and her sister Wonder as the first officer.


The aftermath crew was sent to follow up after the prequel mission had to abandon their mission early. Shortly after landing on Polus, MIRA lost all contact with them due to an invisible energy field surrounding the research base set up by the impostors.

For two years, the aftermath crew is stuck in a time loop, set up by the original impostors- shapeshifting aliens whose home planet is Polus- to get revenge on the humans for stealing their resources and maybe get some entertainment in the process. Originally, the aliens infect the crew every loop, but to avoid danger to their own people, the aliens decide to simply make the humans kill eachother instead.

The aliens set up a system where the memories of everyone who “loses” or dies get erased after each loop, and the crew is incentivized to survive and “win” (kill everyone as impostor or get out the impostors as a crewmate) so they keep their memories.

Slowly, the crew starts to try and find ways out of the loop, discovering “blind spots” where they can hide objects so they won’t be altered between loops. They start keeping a log of the events of each loop, and start doing experiments on how to escape.


During one loop, her sister- Wonder, is killed inside one of the bathroom stalls. What nobody knows is the stall is also a blind spot where the loop does not reset, so she is not revived when the loop resets. Blessing is devastated by this.

After this incident, Blessing volunteers to exit the energy field herself- desperate to find a way out for her crew even at peril of her own life.

The rest is a spoiler :)



thingy 2

  • AFTRMF 0-210: Human, Varied, Varied (memory-manipulating cycles)
  • AFTRMF 211: Human -> Infected, Crewmate, Alive (retrieved)
  • MIRA: Infected, n/a, Alive
"Canon" Interactions:
(Groups of characters in the series that this character interacts with during the course of the story, and at what location.)

  • All of AFTRMF crew (@ Polus, The Skeld, MIRA HQ)
  • Fitzgerald, Blessing [AFTRMF], & Brian [RPRSLG] (@ MIRA HQ)
Relationships Of Note
Wonder Twin Sister
Describe the relationship here... Add as much as you want, but this probably will work best with a short and sweet description.
Fitzgerald Boss
Describe the relationship here... Add as much as you want, but this probably will work best with a short and sweet description.
Brian Coworker
Describe the relationship here... Add as much as you want, but this probably will work best with a short and sweet description.
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