
11 months, 2 days ago


AFTRMF 08/17/2018
Species: Human
Gender: F (she/her)
Color: White
Codename: n/a
Position: First Officer
Role: Varied
Background: Astronaut
Status: Dead
Apperances: backstory only


  • Hat: Clogged


Wonder is the first officer of her crew and tends to live by a motto of “work hard, play harder”. She takes her job seriously when it’s required, but also won’t hesitate to goof off when given the chance. She’ll often involve her twin sister, the captain Blessing, in elaborate pranks under the guise of boosting morale for the crew. She gets along well with everyone, even when her pranks mage to get a bit annoying, everyone knows it’s all in good fun. When things start to get bad, White tends to try and stay cautiously optimistic, taking it upon herself to try and find light in the darkest moments, and inspire the crew to keep going.

As Impostor (Human):
Wonder really doesn’t like being impostor, especially when her sister’s on the opposite side. She’ll agonize over whether or not to participate for a while, eventually confiding in her sister. Blessing will often encourage her to go through with it even if she’s caught in the crossfire, and Wonder will hesitantly try her best. People tend to pick up on something being different, as White will engage in much less silly antics as impostor, but she’s pretty decent at avoiding getting caught most of the time. When she and Blessing are both impostor at the same time, the rest of the crew doesn’t stand a chance.

STORY:(click on each section title to expand)

pre-consequences (Polus)

Wonder and her twin sister Blessing trained with MIRA as an astronaut. Wonder was selected as the crew’s first officer and her sister Blessing as the captian.


The aftermath crew was sent to follow up after the prequel mission had to abandon their mission early. Shortly after landing on Polus, MIRA lost all contact with them due to an invisible energy field surrounding the research base set up by the impostors.

For two years, the aftermath crew is stuck in a time loop, set up by the original impostors- shapeshifting aliens whose home planet is Polus- to get revenge on the humans for stealing their resources and maybe get some entertainment in the process. Originally, the aliens infect the crew every loop, but to avoid danger to their own people, the aliens decide to simply make the humans kill eachother instead.

The aliens set up a system where the memories of everyone who “loses” or dies get erased after each loop, and the crew is incentivized to survive and “win” (kill everyone as impostor or get out the impostors as a crewmate) so they keep their memories.

Slowly, the crew starts to try and find ways out of the loop, discovering “blind spots” where they can hide objects so they won’t be altered between loops. They start keeping a log of the events of each loop, and start doing experiments on how to escape.


In a freak accident, Wonder is killed one loop in one of the bathroom stalls. What nobody realized is this bathroom stall is also a blind spot, and when the loop resets her body is still there, so she is not and can no longer be revived. With some events that transpire in the following loops, the rest of the crew on Polus forgets her existence entirely, the only mention of her being in the logs.

  • AFTRMF 0-209: Human, Varied, Varied (memory-manipulating cycles)
  • AFTRMF 210: Human, Crewmate, Dead (revival impossible)
"Canon" Interactions:
(Groups of characters in the series that this character interacts with during the course of the story, and at what location.)

  • All of AFTRMF crew (@ Polus, The Skeld, MIRA HQ)
Relationships Of Note
Blessing Twin Sister
Describe the relationship here... Add as much as you want, but this probably will work best with a short and sweet description.
profile code by physics