Guards (Mike Schmidt)



11 months, 4 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Michael Schmidt (goes by Mike)






Note: Mike was fired after his first week, but was called back due to a shortage of staff. Now works the morning shift with Fritz and Jeremy.

Background: Michael was born in America after his parents immigrated from Mexico. He is the eldest of 6 children. He got into a lot of fights when he was a kid. Growing up, Mike’s father worked in construction. After school when he was a teen, Mike worked with his father to help support his family, which then consisted of his parents, himself, and a few younger siblings. Mike finished high school with average grades, but didn’t pursue college due to the fact that his father had died to a heart attack earlier in his graduating year. Because his siblings were still in school, he continued working to help the family out. His mother remarried years later and he stayed until he had enough money to get an apartment. By that time, Mike figured there wasn’t really a point in going back to school if he remained in construction. Unfortunately, the construction company he worked at shut down, so he’s just trying to pass by. Now he works as a janitor at the school a few blocks away, but he still wanted to fill up hours, so he came here. 

Personality: From what we’ve seen of him, he seems like a very hard worker. Genuinely seems to enjoy helping the children with games and counting their coins and tickets. The animatronics always stare at him, though… we’re still confused as to why. Then again, they’re like that with every adult. Usually looks tense and unable to relax when the animatronics are around, especially Freddy. Gets along well with the other employees. He rarely loses his head around the kids, but when he’s out of their earshot and someone messes up badly, it can get pretty loud. Although he likes the children and the other employees, he looks like he actually hates this place. He makes a lot of bad jokes. It’s awful. 

Idk if it would be the same lol but originally I had Mike come back and work the day shift because he kinda grew attached to Jeremy after Jeremy came back. It was miraculous he didn't die from the damage to his frontal lobe. He thinks Fritz is kind of a little shit but he thinks he's mostly fine. He's kinda funny. Mike has a cool uncle relationship with Jeremy and Fritz