Flora de Flos Ea O'Tobatura



11 months, 7 days ago


Flora is a Highbreed chthon, and a skilled geneweaver of the Tobaturan Great Cluster, sept 'de Flos Ea'. Grown in the capital kindergartens and raised under the guidance of the most ruthless and erudite doctrices and nuns of her older sistren, Flora is the very picture of chthonic privilege. She has over 100 servants at her beck and call, and 25 of them are sapient. Though she has the virtue of taking no joy in the dismay or debasement of weaker creatures, her vices come in her obsessive 'creative pursuits', subjecting her subjects to drastic transformations and mutations, to the degree that few of them truly resemble their original body plans.


Flora's everyday life is best imagined in a laboratory, or making her younger sistren accompany her on 'specimen procurement expeditions' outside the cluster's borders, precarious journeys that frighten her little sisters but pay quite well. Besides, no one's needed anything more than a limb reattached... so far. If you ask her about her hobbies, she'll probably crook her head 45 degrees at you. For her, all her work and her responsibilities to the cluster are her 'hobbies'. Free time doesn't exist to her, and sleep is a vague necessity.


Credit to Kuween for this lovely art! Their twitter here.

Flora has no consorts. As the youngest adult of her brood, she has yet to earn the right to select her mate; this doesn't trouble her. Flora is in no rush to get hitched, and finds males boring due to their bodies' resistances to/lack of need for biotic modifications. She wears false skin when her exoskeleton is removed so her mammalian servants are more comfortable reporting to her.