Monsoon (tbd)



9 months, 29 days ago


Name Monsoon
Nickname N/A
Species Standard Mothcat
Age Adult
Height 12cm
Gender Trans Masc
Pronouns He/Him | It/Its
Orientation Homosexual demiromantic
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Graffitti Artist
Theme TBA

Masterlist MC-2444
Designer Cobain

Antennae Swirly
Ears Bat
Mane Classic
Wings Beetle
Tail Classic
Eyes Classic
Pupils Sharp
Coat Standard

Artist at heart, Monsoon is known all too well for his vibrant neon blue tags littering any vacant wall across central Falena. Some see him as a pest, desecrating the natural beauty of cities, while others admire his ability to spray whole art pieces across walls in the dead of night with not a soul to see his work. There's an air of mysticism surrounding the cat, whispers and rumours about him spreading as if he were a vigilante, when in reality he exists out amongst the other mothcats. They are however known for being nonstop sarcastic, even in scenarios it could get them in serious trouble; though as always for as chaotic a cat as Monsoon is, their natural charm always gives them a way out.

Part of the local punk subculture, this was where Monsoon learned his love for art, but more specifically graffiti, taught by the elders of the group he learned fast not only to stand up for himself but for those who cannot for themselves. To break the status quo and fight for what is right. Those beliefs stand strong in their heart and they fight through their passion, displaying pre-planned gorgeous murals across blank walls in otherwise industrial areas that once held lustrious green areas. While usually these are done without asking or permission, there has been a couple occasions while sketching in cafés he's been commissioned by the store owners to create custom art for outside their stores, and Monsoon is never one to turn down helping small businesses.