Basic Info








Double Pistols


Wekari, Zura, Aoi, Nami

Fashion Sense:

Military type clothes, Lots of Uniforms, Casual tomboy,

Important Design Features:

Harpy feet, an injured wing, Sharp teeth, slitted pupils, Sharp talon-ed hands,


A bounty hunter Harpy with a love for ice lollies (especially the blue ones!) She's always running from her past and has made a roost in the SteamCog City Town Hall. While she's not particularly cold hearted, she doesn't really care to do anything that doesn't benefit her in some way. If the bottom line is not worth the effort of a job she refuses to take it on. She's intelligent and quick witted, and she can make snap judgements about people and events (that usually end up being right). She's stubborn yet loyal to her friends Wekari and Aoi. She's very aggressive when it comes to the anti-monster coalition groups around town, and always blows up at Aoi for never fighting back when he gets hurt.

Likes: Blue ice pop, Treasure, and Her partner
Dislikes: Ungrateful clients, Purple ice pops, and Melee weapons