Basic Info


216 (he's a mere vampire teen lol)






Giant Chinese star and throwing knives.


Sylvette, Wekari, Zura, Nami

Fashion Sense:

Blue and White East Asian-inspired fashions.

Important Design Features:

Red Eyes, Blonde mullet, Hair band always present


A sensitive vampire in an anti-monster feeder city. He's still in training to become a part of the Priestess's creed. He's very sensitive, though he has power that seems limitless and can be violently fierce when his friends are in danger. He has a little albino rat named Nosferatu that he's been trying to take care of since he found it drowning in the sludge the mayor calls a river. He meticulously labels all of his vials and jars with sticky notes and he has a bunch of How to Take Care of Your Pet Rat type books and magazines in order to spoil his rat, and keep him alive as long as possible.

Likes: Type AB Blood, the color blue, and throwing weapons
Dislikes: Wrinkles, Exorcists, and Cravings