
10 months, 22 days ago


The body of her guitar is a similar shade of blue as the sticker on her case.

Saras plays acoustic guitar in the indie band "Eevees On Sale". She's super chill and super mellow, and she has a habit of spacing out when no one is directly talking to her. People have learned that the best way to get her attention back is with snacks. The manager suspects that she smokes weed, and she never outright denies the allegations. Saras writes a lot of songs and has notebooks full of song fragments, many of which she hasn't done anything with but likes to keep around. Usually the ones she writes are slower and more laid-back. She usually pens bittersweet lyrics, though sometimes she'll mix it up and write a purely romantic love ballad. She also has a decent singing voice, though prefers to leave the vocals to the two members actually brought in to do vocals. Her dream is to write the perfect harmony for her friends.

Saras will accept pretty much everything said to her at face value, which isn't usually a problem with one of her friends but sometimes gets her in trouble with people outside of the band. She likes to braid beads into things in her spare time, and she likes putting stickers on stuff. Over time, her guitar case will have more and more stickers added on to it.

Co-owned by Dame-Kittea