
11 months, 15 days ago



Called Corsac

Gender Male

Pronouns He/him

Age Mid 40s

Race Human lol

Role Secondary Protagonist

Theme Click here for youtube vid lol

HTML Pinky


Corsac is an introverted scientist. His main focus is growing, collecting, and breeding types of flowers. He owns a house in the huge city. He never uses his kitchen or main floor at all; and spends all of his hours in his basement; which he converted into a flower-research centered lab. And despite having quite a few bedrooms too choose from upstairs, he chooses to sleep on a mattress near his experiments.

Although introverted, Corsac really does love taking care of Benjamin and Atya; whom he thinks of as his sons. He may be grumpy but deep down he would do anything to protect Benjamin and Atya.


Height 6"3

Build Tall lol

Eyes Orange

Skin Tone White, more on the pinker side

Hair Color Green + orange (dyed? unknown)

Hair Style Long, choppy in places

Demeanor Grumpy, off-putting


  • Often sports a high ponytail (feel free to draw him this way!).
  • Loves to wear fancy dresses and jewelry, but never goes anywhere that would require him to dress up at all.
  • Does not care for his everyday outfit at all (probably since he never leaves his basement), except for his shiny black boots/shoes. He polishes them everyday.
  • Has a total of 3 piercings: 1 in his right ear, and 2 in his left. He may or may not have a tattoo somewhere as well, but no one has ever seen it nor do they know where it is.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Corsac is angry and grumpy looking all the time, even though he is usually thoroughly enjoying what he is doing (working with flowers).


Favorite food


Favorite drink

Extremely unhealthy energy drinks


Ever since he was a child, Corsac always had an interest in flowers and plants. He made his own little garden in his childhood backyard, and filled his room with flowers.

Dressing up

Corsac loves wearing fancy dresses and outfits. He’s always found dresses to be beautiful, much like flowers. However, with little reason to dress up, he does not partake in it often.


Least favorite food

Toast. Overly toasted toast pisses Corsac off. However, he seems to enjoy being pissed off so him actually disliking toast is debatable.

Least favorite drink

Milk (especially strawberry). Corsac doesn’t like milk very much. He’ll drink it if he has it, but won’t hesitate to make a disgusted grimace through the whole thing.

Social interaction

Corsac dislikes talking to people, since he knows they will only interrupt and wreck his experiments and interests. He finds other people to be annoying and gross.


He fell in a lake when he was a kid and almost drowned. He doesn’t like swimming very much as a result.





Corsac is happy to have a quiet soul like Benjamin to keep him company, even if he can get a little bothersome. Corsac is always happy to have a reason to use his dining room table, and enjoys trying Benjamin’s (more or less disgusting) meals if it makes Benjamin happy.




Corsac is often infuriated with Atya, who (unknowingly) messes with Corsac’s whole routine everyday. And Corsac says: “if Benjamin weren’t here to make him stay, I would kick Atya out and let him get captured immediately.” Even though Corsac would never really do that, he daydreams about it frequently.




Corsac doesn’t know much about Cal.