Jerrold (Jerell) Jun [GMG]



5 years, 11 months ago


Character Name Goodmorning-Guild

Name (Jerrold) Jerell Jun
Age 25
Gender Male
Birthday June 17th
Height 6'2" | 188 cm.
Weight 210 lbs. | 133.8 lbs.
Build Bulky, muscular
Role Fighter
Nature Hardy
Characteristic Capable of Taking Hits


"Wanna see me cook this steak on my neck?"


+Enthusiastic +Hard Working +Loyal +Daring +Energetic

=Competitive =Protective =Obsessive =Stubborn

-Dishonest -Defensive -Fragile Masculinity -Paranoid -Irresponsible


Jerell is a very loud and energetic man, and that fact will be clear from the moment you meet him. He has a big personality and usually comes off as friendly and full of energy, though maybe a bit overbearing. He’s painfully loyal to loved ones and anyone he deems as needing protection (usually small girls that remind him of his little sisters). In the face of most dangerous situations, Jerell is stupidly brave and daring, willing to take big risks to help people, even at the expense of his own physical health. Finally, Jerell is stupidly enthusiastic and excited by other people's achievements or projects! He’s always loved watching his brother work, and is the same with anyone else that has an interesting hobby, job or talents. He’s also quick to jump at any chance to learn something new, be it something he’s never tried before or testing out a new recipe or hunting method, he likes keeping himself busy.

Extremely competitive, it’s easy for Jerell to find himself lost in games or competitions, luckily he’s not usually a sore loser outwardly but a loss can be frustrating for him internally. Along with his loyalty comes how overbearingly protective he can be, often putting himself at risk or annoying others with his constant need to protect. His obsessiveness can to some sound like a bad thing, but it’s his constant obsessions that get him so good at things like cooking or hunting! Of cores it has its downfalls, making it hard for him to break habits or let go of grudges/bad feelings, but the positives tend to balance the negatives. Finally, the man is very very stubborn, though he won’t give up it can also lead to him not knowing When he needs to give up.

Very dishonest, Jerell is hardly ever truthful about his own emotions or injuries he’d rather not deal with. Its not uncommon to frequently hear “I’m always ok!” from the badger, no matter what condition he might be in. Relating to that, Jerellcan be very defensive when called out on a lie or just in general. Depending on the person he is dealing with, this can sometimes lead to him lashing out if the lie or situation is something he deems keeping lowkey. The time he spend in prison had left Jerell with a very fragile masculinity, giving him a hard time letting himself be open about his emotions or being able to handle being teased about specific things (his sexualitiy or more feminine intrests). Again, this can lead to him being very defensive and lashing out if something makes him feel weak, it also makes losing difficult for him, and being around men who are bigger than him. Although he’d never admit it, the man has a lot of fears and those fears tend to leave him paranoid- most notably about his fear of doctors, giving him a bad distrust for anyone who works in medicine thinking they’ll make him worse or poison him. And to conclude, he is very irresponsible when it comes to his own personal health and safety. The guy can work and cook and the like just fine, but as soon as it comes to taking care of himself everything goes out the window.

⇀ Character


Pkmn Status

Quillava [#156] Fire _156_quilava_by_pokemon_ressources-d9mks

Blaze - Powers up Fire-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low.

"Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This Pokémon applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foes with flames. "

"Before battle, it turns its back on its opponent to demonstrate how ferociously its fire blazes. "






Sp. Attack

Sp. Defense




Well Trained | Physical | [Lv.]


Well Trained | Physical | [Lv.]


Well Trained | Physical | [Lv.]


Well Trained | Special | [Lv.]


Well Trained | Status | [TM]



RANK Normal_Rank_Explorers.png

Name [species] Role


Name [species] Role


Name [species] Role


Name [species]Role




"Holy shit was that a Rapidash?"

⇀ Psychical

• He Is Large

• Gets phantom pains in his arm a lot.

• Jerells neck flame only bursts out when hes battling or angry, otherwise hes pretty chill.

• His metal arm was built by his brother! His very sturdy and waterproof.

• Has scars all over his body from different stupid shit he's done in his life. Mostly from hunting

• A Mightyana bit most of his tail off while he was hunting.




"What was the plan? I wasn't listening"

Voice Headcannon: Doug Smith (Kintaro Oe) Golden Boy

⇀ Fears

• Doctors

• Needles

• Anything that can inject shit into his body

⇀ Facts



• Jerells an amazing cook, its probably the one thing he excels at the most

• Has a hard time sleeping at night because of his night terrors.

• His fear of doctors and night terrors started after a doctors appointment when he was young after an accident when he managed to yank his arm while getting a shot. Being as young as he was the whole experience fucked with his head leaving his paranoid. later in life listing to radio dramas or police reports about doctors only made these fears worse.

• Gets along great with his little siblings! Leaving Tincaster was difficult knowing he'd have to leave them behind.

• Has no spacial awareness. Be Careful Around Him

• Has a lot of nightmares about Jonesy chopping his arm off.

• Kinda Gay


Ruby Island - Tincaster

WARNING:: Assault, Mentions Drug/Alcohol abuse, amputation

⇀ Childhood - [0 - 14]

Irene met her future husband Ji after and incident resulting in her losing her leg, Ji being a prosthetist was the one highered to help her get herself a new leg. After that the two were fast friends, and later lovers, resulting in a pair of Cyndaquil twins when the couple were around 25.

Jerell and Jonesy were a handful, both having their own troublesome quirks, Jonesy being shy yet temperamental, and Jerell having far too much energy to keep track of. Jerell had a very bad habit of eating things off the floor or really just putting anything in his mouth, breaking things, or attempting to run off into crowds whenever he’d see something. He was an easy kid to lose, but at least he was loud and easy to find. Other than that though he was a nice kid, got along well with his family, and was social with other kids (even if he was at times a bit much for them- he liked to rough house a lot).

In school, the Cyndaquils attention span was no better, from the beginning of kindergarten, up till he dropped out in middle school. Jerell absolutely despised school, he was social and managed to make a few friends but in the end he’d only ever hang out with his twin brother or his new born little sister, Jeannine. School work was a hassle, he never wanted to do it because he didn’t get it, and his lack of an ability to sit still or pay attention created a poor relationship with his teachers. And, on top of that all, school just made him feel stupid, especially in comparison to how smart Jonesy was.

And so, around the tail end of things he just began skipping, although it wasn’t long until he was called out by his mother. Irene had always been diligent when it came to her children's schooling, and being lectured on grades was nothing new to Jerell, but it was a whole other ball park when it came to him flat out not showing up to school. He’d suggested he just drop out at this point, he hated school and felt like it was a waste of time, though his mother strongly disagreed with the idea, but, in the end he managed to sway her- but only if he got a job and worked his ass off if he wasn’t going to be going to school anymore.

⇀ Teenage - [14 - 19]

And so, that’s just what Jerell did. At 14, Jerell began job hunting- and managed to pick up some odd jobs around Tincaster, often small hard labour work like hauling crates or running errands for people. There was no doubt they young teen was a hard worker, it even leading to him eventually evolving while working- although his attitude did tend to get him in trouble. Being young and full of energy, Jerell also lacked a filter, which usually ended in him being fired from jobs for picking arguments with his employers, but with Tincaster being as big as it was, it was never hard to find a new job.

Being on the streets of Tincaster at such a young age, wasn’t exactly the best thing for the hyper kid though. It wasn’t long before Jerell started spending his time off or after work with some shady people- at times underage drinking and in a few instances dabbling in some drugs. He was always good at keeping these things out of the house thankfully, Jonesy being the only one who knew of some of the crap he’d been doing.

Though, being young, stupid, and drinking- quickly lead Jerell into fights, and soon enough he’d found himself picking a fight with the wrong person. It was a coworker who had tried to call him out for being drunk at work, and Jerell snapped at him- starting a fight, leading to his employed calling the police on the now 17 year old.

And so, he was arrested.

Due to their family having now a set of triplets, there was no way for them to pay Jerells bail, leading him to being thrown in prison, which proved to be the worst experience of the Quillavas life. Prison life quickly through Jerell into a depression, the only things keeping him sane being his cellmate, Michel. The Azumarill had been like a heaven sent to Jerell, the two watching each others back and providing comfort up until Jerell was released on good behaviour at 19.

⇀ Adulthood - [19 - 25]

Coming out of prison and seeing his family again nearly broke the young adult. He’d met with them through glass during meeting hours fairly frequently, but being able to hug and hold his parents, brother and little sisters almost felt like a luxury when he first got out. After getting out it took awhile for Jerell to start acting like himself again, he was meek and clearly seemed guilty- especially whenever he’d go home to his parents house at the end of a long day of job hunting. Soon enough though, he picked up a job again and he and Jonesy moved out and got themselves an apartment- which was a much needed first step to Jerell getting out of his funk.

Jerells current job had been selling meat at a morning market, and soon he was lucky enough to have the man employing him need help with hunting. This was quickly what put the Quillavas life back on track, as he was fast to learn the ropes and found he was very good at hunting. As time went by, he managed to get enough money to buy his own gear, and later a horse that was kept at a stable outside the city. By 22 Jerell was able to work freelance hunting and selling his own meat at the market, and soon enough open up a very small butcher shop. The man was living his best life, even evolving into a Typhlosion during one of his hunting trips. And so for the next few years his life only consisted off hunting, drinking, and going in and out of relationships, which, despite its ups and downs, Jerell found himself content with.

Until everything went to shit.

⇀ Disaster - [25]

What everyone would later call ‘the disaster’ began when Jerell and his family were out on a routine shopping trip, when a storm broke out and the sky opened up, Palkia and Dialga being seen up in the sky flashing pink and blue as they fought. The family had managed to find cover from storm with some other civilians for the majority of the storm luckily- but eventually rescue crews came looking for capable mon to assist in rescues, specifically those who could combat fire. And Jerell, having no sense of self preservation, quickly offered to assist, Jonesy tailing close behind him.

As the pair trudged through buildings, pulling out survivors and avoiding getting lost in the storm, they managed to make it back to their own apartment building. As the two made their way into their burning home and into their apartment, what the fire haddent gotten to was absolutely trashed by blasts of electricity and claw marks- seemingly from Jonesy’s now escaped pets (A rotom and a litten). The duo, not having anything left to salvage in their home turned to leave, only for Jerell to notice apart of the roof about to collapse- and on impulse he pushed his brother out of the way- finding himself crushed by the burning ceiling.

Jerell was alive, but stuck- if not for how bulky he was and his typing, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say he would of died on impact. Though the pain quickly sent the badger into a panic, clawing at the wood and metal crushing his left arm as his brother tore through the rubble to get to him. What Jerell refused to acknowledge was clear to Jonesy, the man’s arm was likely unsalvageable, and even if it was- there was no way for him to safely get his brother out before more of the building came down on them. This, with a fire axe given to them to assist in their rescues, Jonesy moved in to amputate his brothers arm.

Panicked, Jerell screamed and kicked at his twin- whatever he was trying to say was likely incoherent with his distress and the loud cracking of thunder and fire around them, though the man was silenced after the third strike, passing out from the pain. If not for his brother Jerell would of died in the building, the two being lucky enough that the disaster seemed to be nearing its end by the time Jonesy carried his unconscious brother out of the building.

⇀ Post Disaster - [25]

It would be awhile before Jerell woke up, being moved from a medical tent to a hospital, finally waking up in complete hestarics. The loss of his arm was hard for him to comprehend, Jerell constantly grabbing at his bandages that were covering the nub where his arm use to be. It took a long time to calm him down, the badger often waking up from nightmares in a resumed panic- this went on for days, the only thing that seemed to quell his panic attacks were the presence of his family and his twins promises to build him a new arm.

Over time, Jerell seemed to come terms with the lack of his arm, being out of the hospital helping a lot. It took a long time for him to get use to how light his body felt, the random jolts of pain, and of cores having to take it easy, but he was quickly improving. Months went by until Jerell finally got his new arm from Jonesy, nearly crying after it was attached, watching the metal fingers move at his will was absolutely amazing to him and he couldn’t of been happier. There was still a lot of physical therapy and recovery to go through, but having the arm on made it all a lot easier.

Over these next few months, Jerell managed to relax a bit to start keeping up with the news about mystery dungeons and guilds- all of it quickly catching his interest, especially after watching the first pink moon come and go, and later listening to the guild games over the radio. The second pink moon was really what kicked him into feeling like it was time to take action though. After a conversation with Jonesy, they settled on deciding to go to Everstone- as Jerell both craved a change of scenery and was intrigued by their “fixing the world” claims (also they won the guild games and that’s pretty cool). Thus, after packing their bags and a short boat trip, the duo were on their way to Everstone!
