


10 months, 13 days ago


Name Niamh
Nickname n/a
Age ???
Birthday ???
Gender (He/They/It)
Sexuality Pan
Species God
Occupation Traveler
The things you call affection, and the things you call cruelty; to me they're all love.

An ancient god of love. After meeting a certain human it became attached to him and granted him immortality. They now often spend time traveling together.

Artist Tips
  • Has a variety of forms they change between depending on the situation ranging from human to fully monster. They're most comfortable with the young adult form with antlers.
  • Eyes are fully black with no difference between iris and pupil.
  • Has light freckles across their face and shoulders.
  • Makes a lot of silly bird faces.
  • Always wears the red rope around their neck, no matter what form they're in.

Niamh is one of the first gods born from human ideals, specifically that of love. Because the nature of their origin makes them closer to human in behavior, they were generally ostracized by the Old Gods and spent most of their early years alone. After countless decades of wandering the forest, avoiding humans and other gods alike, they encountered Ailbhe for the first time. A sociable child, he was friendly towards them from the beginning and having never experienced anything even approaching friendship, they became attached to him quickly. They spent a good deal of time together throughout childhood, and Niamh absolutely adored him, eventually choosing to bestow him with a boon. Ailbhe wasn't aware of this until much later, once he reached adulthood and found that he didn't seem to age further, even while those around him grew sick or died. Any injury he sustained, even those self-inflicted, would heal like normal no matter how fatal it seemed. By the time he realized he had been "blessed" with immortality he had been forced to withdraw almost entirely from human society.

Niamh itself feels no regret for essentially cursing Ailbhe- it's simply happy to have an undending relationship with him. Ailbhe has far more bitter mixed feelings, but because he can no longer remain with humans for long Niamh is the only person he can really be close with and he clings to it out of fear of being alone. The two can be found wandering from town to town with Ailbhe making money from hunting game.


Despite being a god, when in human form Niamh doesn't stand out much from any other human. It's quiet and reserved around most people, preferring to avoid attention if possible. It's flustered by strangers and often won't even speak when first meeting someone, only conveying its meaning through gestures if necessary. But once it opens up to someone it can quickly become very attached. It's curious about all manner of human behaviors and will ask endless questions about the world around it. It tends to behave childishly and can be stubborn and possessive, especially with regards to those it considers friends.

They shouldn't be mistaken as a human however- like most gods, while they like humans they can't fully understand them or their feelings. They have no capacity for true malice, but they lack empathy and perspective into human emotions so their actions can be incredibly cruel regardless of their intentions. Even in these situations they wear a cheerful face; it's unclear if they can even truly feel emotions like fear or sadness.
  • They can appear differently to different people, so it's hard for people to recognize them.
  • Since they're a god they have a terrible sense of time and can disappear off to do their own thing for years.
  • He loves humans but he's scared of interacting with them individually.
Ailbhe [ Beloved ]

It's never quite possible to tell the true nature of Niamh and Ailbhe's relationship, however it's clear to see that they value him more than anyone else. He's one of the few people that they'll open up to, and they tend to cling and hide behind him when interacting with new people. Unfortunately, due to their inhuman nature, it's hard for them to express that in ways that are compatible with another human being. Their love for him is largely selfish, and they're fine with him suffering as long as he can be with them, seeing this as a kindness towards him despite his objections. They don't really understand that his feelings towards them are mixed at best and they're perfectly happy just to be around him. Although they don't experience it in the way expected for humans in romantic relationships, they can get quite jealous of his other relationships and get extra clingy in those situations.