


11 months, 24 days ago




Quiet • Vengeful • Determined


25 Moons

CIS Male












*CW: Death, Kit loss mention, Gore/Injury, Physical/Emotional Abuse, Isolation/Depression, Disownment*

Kithood CrowKit was born to OxBash (Father) and MoonTears (Mother) during the beginning of the leafbare season. His mother and father had been arranged as most Evergreenclan cats and Oxbash was determined to have a worthy successor to his bloodline no matter the cost. Moon had kitted before and loyally to her mate but no kit had ever survived, all had been lost or born still. In the past the two had been careful and made sure that they tried to kit as close to new leaf as possible for the health of Moon and the kits, however as moons passed and failures mounted Ox became impatient and upon one Leafbare he demanded they try once again before they grew too old and his line was lost. So Moon carried a kit through the harsh leafbare before kitting in the more bitter winds of the season and in the dead of a winter night. Crowkit was born and groomed lovingly by his parents tongues for the first and only time of his life, allowing a brief moment of warmth before it felt as if wind blew into the deep caverns lightly somehow to remind the family of the claws and chill just outside. A half moon later, Moontears became thin and sick from the strain of kitting so late in her moons and was soon lost despite the Augurs best efforts and her mates deepest prayers to Desir. Upon his first moon it was with great spite that Oxbash cursed him with the name Crowkit deciding that any son who would kill his perfect mate was not destined to be his spawn. Crowkit was taken in by other Monarchs over their next moons and often watched the camp with huge curiosity, his father visited only to make sure he was not dead and Crowkit never knew him much...but he desired too.

Apprenticeship Upon his sixth moon Crowkit became Crowpaw and was assigned to his mentor, Slushfang. Slush was an older warrior who was pushing himself beyond his prime for Evergreenclan, he took Crowpaw training as often as he could tending to wake them at random hours and train for long periods. Crowpaw was always exhausted and it began showing in his training and memorization of the code Slushfang tended to make him recite like prayer before he did anything. As Crowpaw began forming into the perfect warrior in Slushfangs eyes, he also became hollow and felt only his fatigue building as a cat young as him lacked desperate rest and recovery time over moons of pushing themself. Eventually on his ninth moon his pushing came to finally punish him. One morning while trying to hunt birds and practice climbing Crowpaw felt his vision and head go fuzzy before he felt from the tree gashing the left side of his face on a branch on the way down severely damaging his left eye and tugging it out lightly. SlushFang rushed Crowpaw back to camp where the apprentice spent moons in the Augur den recovering from the loss of his eye that had to be removed and fought back from infection due to the young cat refusing not to scratch at it in discomfort. As he grew and healed the wound warped and stretched and the fur never grew back quite right, so to combat the stares he began pushing his longer neck fur forward hoping to cover it all eventually. Due to his time in the Augur den Crowpaw was held back for a couple moons only finishing his training finally upon his thirteenth moon causing a lot of ridicule and looks from his father and fellow apprentices. It burned him up inside, how hard they had worked for their warriorhood only to be whispered about that he didn't try hard enough and that he was incompetent and that's why he was held back. Slushfang gave gentle instruction to his now previous apprentice to keep focused not on their words but the needs of the clan and the now named Crowhound turned his ears from his clanmates and focused upon his tasks blindly.

Warriorhood Crowhound's warriorhood was a blur, he woke up to do his work and went to bed when he had no tasks. They socialized minimally and had no motivation to break that routine as Oxbash refused to arrange his disgraced son with a mate and Crowhound had no concept or belief in true love to even try. So he followed a routine for moons of eat, work, sleep until his eighteenth moon where he couldn't help but observe his fathers new odd company. Oxbash had begun courting a new mate in Berrytuft, a smaller black molly with white vitiligo specking. CrowHound watched his father from a distance curiously before two moons later the two had a new kit and CrowHound could hold his tongue no longer. He confronted his father demanding why he would find a new mate and have a kit when he had forsaken and abandoned the first family he had, both in spirit and physically. Oxbash merely swatted his son telling him to keep his emotions in line before he caused a scene and proceeded to explain that it was Crowhounds fault he had done this in the first place. Oxbash blamed it all on Crowhound, that his faith had been tested due to the shame of his son and the misfortune he might have brought to the clan. To atone Oxbash had moved on and had left Crowhound out of his heart and mind hoping that by showing his faith and love for providing his clan with strength was proven enough by denying love to his own flesh and blood. CrowHound was stunned, even in his father's absence he never expected this...he lashed his tail only in response before turning from his father for good at twenty moons and never looked back. Unfortunately for him, his step sister seemed to not want to let him forget his blood as the young, now named Ravenkit in a cruel twist of fate, followed her half brother around with big eyes. She recited things their father told him of CrowHound like a small echo of what he tried to leave behind and in his short temper, Crowhound often snapped at Ravenkit who thought it was nothing but funny. Moons passed and Crowhound watched as Ravenkit became self absorbed and delighted in nothing more than pushing her brother to anger, their father had raised her to think she was above him and in turn she now thought herself the world. Now she's an apprentice and Crowhound hopes in her new training he will finally have peace from his past and be able to function in his warrior years the same he did before that pest was born.

"If pain is beauty, I'm a pretty bitch."





Sepia Point


design notes

  • Left eye is missing, Gash scar from accident as apprentice.
  • Voice claim: Aki Hayakawa (ENG DUB).
  • Inspired by Nick from Hell Followed with us.



CrowHound is a reserved and independent cat, with a very slow, lazy pace that can be summed up to his lack of drive. His independence is odd in the sense of what it means to him personally; he generally wanders on his own and without direction, but he is very loyal and even if he doesn't agree with orders, he will follow them with an intense internalized emotional confliction. He takes out his self hatred of his past and the values programmed into him by focusing that energy into his hunts and his tasks, and can be incredibly violent and driven when a chase is on the line. They are sharp-tongued and blunt, and push younger cats hard when they slip up or goof around, half in a sense to protect them from the consequences he perceives as being inevitable from those actions, and half because they refuse to allow the young of his clan to falter and make them look bad. He is an "old soul" aka he is too young to be this tired. Negatives aside, CrowHound's reserved nature doesn't entirely give way to unlikability. They tend to appreciate being quiet company to those around them, staying to the sidelines but keeping dutiful track of his clanmates and acquaintances. While orders and instructions may be met with resistance, CrowHound is rarely hesitant to put in his help for a situation if he perceives someone is struggling, even if he himself is not feeling up to the task. They often quietly make note of his clanmate's interests, and have talkative spells when sharing about his own, often appearing the liveliest anyone sees him when engaging in such conversations. He's a quiet listener, often not giving commentary but giving his attention to those around him, even if it doesn't seem so externally.

They are autistic, and do suffer from PTSD due to the various injuries, struggles with familial perception and fears of judgment, and the early loss of his mother. His autism often presents with intense sensory discomfort, resulting in easily triggered sensory meltdowns. This low-tolerance to discomfort is a result of his tendency to repress stressors, making limits much easier to reach. While CrowHound himself is very soft spoken and gentle in both his mannerisms and care for others around him, they struggle to accurately perceive the tone, intention, and sometimes directed emotion of others. Due to his past with Oxbash and his former mentor Slushfang, this misperception of tone can sometimes coincide with some of his symptoms of PTSD, in which memories or old feelings of fear / inadequacy can cause CrowHound to either shut down or enter a meltdown due to emotional discomfort. Despite this, he is a very empathetic cat, and if they trust another, they open up quite easily and can be very soft and caring, though mostly without realizing. He is inherently very caring, though doesn't often realize he acts this way naturally and has trouble replicating it intentionally or under any sort of pressure. On a more positive front, CrowHound has a very innate special interest in hunting tactics and prey types. This not only has built him into a very talented hunter, and even at times a very good teacher or mentor in that area, but also gives him a very good opportunity to showcase and open up about said interest. A few of the best moments in which CrowHound opens up are on hunting patrols, especially those with apprentices, in which he can go from the quietest patrol partner to happily talkative and cheerful rambles of prey facts and the best ways to catch them. CrowHound sometimes thrives in Clan life simply due to the ease of setting routines. In some of his braver moments, he's discussed with leadership a preference for smaller patrols and sticking to the same time of day, and in doing so often does his best work for the clan. Lackluster hunts, though often associated with luck, can easily frustrate CrowHound, pointedly blaming it as a lapse in his own abilities, and he will often spend longer on the patrol just to make up for what he can. As for PTSD, CrowHound tends to be very hesitant to trust people around him. They experienced a lot of pressure and loss from those they instinctively know he should trust, and this has lead him to be hesitant to explore close relationships, at least in any sort of quick manner. He tends to be closed off, but also very vigilant. Occasionally he is prone to more intense expressions of emotion, often quickly channeled into hunting, but when these outlets are not readily available, he can become very frantic and somewhat tense with those around him. They are very aware of their own shortfalls however, and it makes them very perceptive to both themselves and others. He's also very aware of expectations, whether perceived or not. In order to avoid any upsetting feelings, whether his own or others, he will try to perform tasks to perfection, even if the effort pushes him past limits. He's an overly hard work when he deems necessary, but due to his past injuries and the fatigue his conditions give him due to keeping them hidden, he often slows his pace.



A pest he wishes was out of his fur for good.


Relationship summary.





