
6 years, 16 days ago


Bought from Depixelator by points

About him in the Spoiler

Gender: Male

Age: 24 

Personally: There a bit flighty though they get curious very easily, they also easily spook wither it's the slightest sound or the sight of most things, they have a lot of energy when flying since they always love the chance to see new things <3 <3 <3 There also a bit of a clean freak since there a germapbioe, there pretty lazy whenever there not flying or hanging out with Kuro though still highly lazy with Kuro since they can ride on Kuro ( Kuro is secretly Tora's slave shhh it's a secret lol ) 

His only friend is Kuro so far since he gets nervous easily 

Loves: Taking naps while it's raining, hovering over water, teasing fish, sitting, and laying in trees plus napping, they are completely addicted to shiny things, there favorite shines are silver, and anything that's pretty, is secretly obsessed with hugs because of this he pounce hugs Kuro aloooooot  

Hates: His wings getting wet, birds that try to eat him, surprises, olives, and pumpkin squash since he's allergic, having to touch gross, and nasty things

Dislikes: when Kuro try's to give him a bath with water, load noises, vehicles, looking at gross, and nasty things