Andromeda Triangulum



5 years, 11 months ago


They work as a pediatrician at Walter Crimson's clinic. They are agender. They may look mostly human, but they're actually a star that's taken human form because they want to help people. When they started working at the clinic, they were very optimistic, but now they're very tired due to their coworkers' shenanigans. They basically live off of coffee at this point. They have the ability to use magic for healing, but they only do it when absolutely necessary, since it's very draining to do it. They own a lot of romance books that they often leave lying around the clinic, but if anyone asks if it's theirs, they'll deny it. If you catch them reading one, they'll try to hide the book or they'll throw it across the room and run away. They are way, way stronger than they look. They would likely be able to lift any of their coworkers with no problem. They smell like cinnamon and the last burning moments of the sun before it hits dusk, slightly like fresh flowers after a light shower of rain, or the touch of spring after winter's graceful departure, and also coffee (I stole this wonderful scent description from Sub lol).

Age: Very old (since they are literally a star) but they look to be in their mid-20s

Gender: Agender

Pronouns: They/them

Height: 5'1"

Weight: Depends. They're a bit like Mjolnir, in the sense that if they don't want you to lift them, it will be impossible to do so, otherwise they probably weight around 110 lbs.

Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic


  • Coffee
  • Kids
  • Their coworkers
  • Cheesy romance novels (but they'll never admit it)
  • Stargazing


  • Their coworkers' antics
  • Sudden loud noises
  • Unsafe medical practices
  • Being stabbed
  • Short jokes