


9 months, 30 days ago


his name is maxime! but also coin is his nickname

he has a warm affectation to his personality or something idk hes a pretty boy who likes cool music and is nice and was not subconsciously based off any crushes ever. he's laid back and a little bit non commital/distant

based off the song coin by buzzg but the lyrics completely dont fit cuz i didnt understand japanese when i made him

(im not much better still)

so a big theme with him is how contrast can make an overall more beautiful experience. like how super grungy guitar can make ethereal piano stand out more. or like how if you dip a strawberry in nutella both tastes get propped up by the other, but its also a new experience too.
mostly the piano guitar thing though lol i just love pretty music.

theres also this specific genre of tshirts thats like bedazzled with rhinestones and has an intricate printed illustration with lots of colours. he wears those

also has a visual kei tilt i guess

primary colour scheme is based around rust/maroon AND he has silver highlights in his hair because i thought thats cool as fuck

idk how to explain ikasama. its squid. a little guy...

its like... a pun based off a lyric from coin yea ok there we go.

ikasama = imposter

ikasama = Squid (deferential)

so yea sometimes i draw him with a little squid guy who is very important in squid hegemony but theyre bros and he probably fistbumps his squid sometimes

oh yeah and like i think at one point he was designed to be kozas bf. i looked back at some old drawings and i was like ohhhhhh... ive chosen to interpret this as koza having had a tiny baby crush on him at times.

also like. in the very distant past i had a moment where i did as a matter of fact hand this design unofficially over to somebody else. and then i forgot very hard. and then i decided i like him again. cool. i have no idea if the other person took it seriously or cared that i gave it. sorry if you are out there and you have his twin, lots of love though.


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