Bai Lian



9 months, 30 days ago


       his name is kind of Bai Lian (白莲 Báilián) i dont know if thats a good name but its how i refer to him in my leetle brain.

reasons for filter: self harm and nudity

misophonia elf

design notes

  • - he is Chinese
  • - he is an elf
  • - his clothing style is somewhere between flowy and practical. they're usually solid colours or gradients. 
  • - green seems to be a thematic colour for him. following that, probably gold then warm orange.

  • about image: "hair color undecided, take your pick" "(super) elf mode" in case you can't read my handwriting

  • super elf mode is an alternate design where his hair and skin tone are different. also, the straps on his rib surrounding thingie are made of leather.

  • the blobs of colour may not help you very much, you may want to eyeball it or use the colour picker on the character himself instead of referring to them. they are kind of there to look pretty, and probably served a purpose when i was working on the pic.

personality notes
  • - has at least 2 friends! they are supportive so he is doing well emotionally.
  • - has been able to relax more lately but is very high energy (in a hypervigilance way). perhaps another way to put it is "high strung".
  • - his personality type would be best described as uneasy, but with some optimism filtering through.

other notes

  • - he has misophonia

  • - the bandages around his ears are an attempt at blocking sound. he replaces these bandages fairly often (probably washes them) *
  • * in the past he has tried to sew them shut, but you can't really see this most of the time. he probably also has some stuff going on like scarring or bruising or kinks and bends from wrapping it too tight
  • - i'm unsure if he lives in a modern universe or a slightly older one. maybe both! whatever the case, fancy magic and people who are not human are common there.
  • - he's ok at swimming and likes being around water, particularly warm water. hot springs are awesome.
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