Edris Gallows



10 months, 3 days ago


Edris Gallows||156 Years Cursed as Human||Pirate Grandma

An ancient sea serpent, disowned by her kind who cursed her to live her life among humans. She sails the open seas in search of a gift great enough to earn the favor of the serpent matriarch, who is the only one capable of allowing her to return to the deep.


◇"Name's Captain Gallows, 'cause that's where ye be wishing ya were after meetin' me."

◇"Canons? Why would I need canons when I can sink a galleon in a single dive?"

◇"Hoist the anchors! We got sirens ahead -- pesky little sea rats, they are!"

◇"Don't expect me to go bakin' cookies and knittin' scarves for ye now... Unless those cookies are baked with bonemeal and the scarves are woven with the entrails of my enemies, arharhar!"


•Has gathered a sizable and loyal crew, though they respect her only out of fear 

•Despite her age, she is plenty strong and capable 

•Edris Gallows is not her real name, it's just a human name she chose for herself after being cursed -- her true dragon name cannot be pronounced by the human tongue

•Will not hesitate to shoot someone in the face for no reason in particular 

•Not always aggressive, occasionally it is possible to gain her favor and form an alliance with her if one have something to offer 

•Will drink, but avoids getting drunk and never gambles with anything

•Her ship, the Looming Storm, has very little weaponry compared to most pirate crews. This allows it to be faster, and have an increased capacity for treasure.



♡Shooting empty rum bottles off the ship's railing

♡Cleaning/sharpening her weapons

♡Hunting packs of sharks as a pass time (mmm, delicious)

 ♡Ordering people around 

♡Hoarding gems 

♡When humans try to challenge her



×The sun (too bright) 

×Yelling/screaming (she finds it pathetic and annoying)

×Disrespect to the elderly 


×The Kraken


Captain Gallows' true name is unknown, as it is unpronouncable to humans. She is actually sea dragon from the darkest depths of the ocean, far past where even sirens dare to dive. 

For as long as the world is old, her primative species has lived among each other in peace. However, Gallows began to cause havoc to her community by neglecting to share her treasure hoard, and became disliked by much of her family. She rarely joined pack hunts, preferring to attack ships on her own. She also started to threaten the authority of her people's leader, their ancient matriarch (whose great age and wisdom allows her to wield mystical powers) and eventually had Gallows exiled and cursed to live on the surface for a thousand years.

The matriarch was gracious enough to bind Gallows' lifeforce to an old (once sunken) ship, known as the "Looming Storm," allowing her to stay close to the comfort of the water, but not close enough to return home. 

Though reduced to a puny, aging human body, Gallows still retains the ability to retake her true form...so long as she remains within a few miles of her ship. Any further and she becomes weak and slow, before eventually turning human again. 

The Looming Storm is her main vulnerability, for if it is destroyed, she will no longer have access to her serpent form; a fate worse to her than death.

Presently, Gallows lives with impatience and bitterness. She hadn't realized how much she valued the community of her species, and often finds herself yearning for the cold, welcoming depths of endless tunnels and cave systems far beneath the ocean's surface... and the company of her own kind. Therefore, she scours the seas for a treasure great enough to regain the matriarch's favor, and reverse the curse.