Karamäe Mikitta (Mikitta/Ultron)



So Jumping Spider/Ultron is apparently a thing.

This Ultron variant is similar to the MCU one. He becomes an anomaly, is captured, etc. And when they try to return him to his own universe, it doesn't work.

Someone suggests it doesn't work because he's a “robot”, and Jumping Spider tells them: “Robot” implies servitude, if you look at the etymology. You probably shouldn't call a person that.

(Which he indubitably is, in Jumping Spider's opinion. Too much… Life, to not be.)

And no, it should work on inorganic beings; imagine what an oversight, if it didn't!

Turns out, this Ultron's universe just… Disappeared. He's stuck.

And the HQ doesn't exactly have a place to hold people on the long term. So they end up putting him in one of those little cages until they figure out a longer-term solution, and Jumping Spider keeps bringing Ultron random crap—their favourite book (a Finnish one that's never been translated into English, so it might not have been online or perhaps wasn't even written in his 'verse: hopefully new for him!), playing cards, a fidget spinner—to help him pass the time.

Because they (Mikitta and Mayhem) looked at Ultron and said: that's someone who needs stimuli if I ever saw one.

Originally I thought this Ultron was the last Ultron body and was “anomalied” just before Vision killed him, but, no, listen. Maybe. Maybe he was the main body, but because he is in all the bodies, Ultron destroyed his own universe while this “fragment” was gone. Maybe the fragment getting portaled changed things enough that he didn't go on a multiversal rampage like What If Ultron, but also wasn't defeated like AoU Ultron. And whatever happened wasn't supposed to.

Regardless, his universe is gone, and he belongs nowhere and this weird Spidey is for some reason doing nice things for him 🤷‍♂️