Ghost - Ivory Wisteria



11 months, 15 days ago


Ghost was born in a vault and had the magic prowess to have become an Overmare, quickly gaining her cutiemark confirming her postion. But one day her radio picked up an emergency signal outside the stable, being the caring mare that she is, she tried to rally her fellow dwellers to go out and help them. Quickly, she was turned down and told to never speak with those outside of their stable. She was unable to get them out of her head, the turmoil of thinking of just how many ponies could be in a situation like that, in dire need of help but ignored by selfish ponies. 

It was rough but she had done digging and research to figure out the code to the stable door and escaping outside, she searched around the area only to find that the signal had been years old and she had been lucky to find the old signal at all. She found herself lost, unable to find her way home let alone somewhere safe at all to survive the night, it wouldn't be long before she found herself in danger, surrounded by a small band of raiders, each one pointing out her long tail, curved horn, and albinistic features. Just when she had accepted her fate a gun shot had echoed between the dead trees, her immediate reaction to run for cover as a fight broke out between the raiders and a traveling group of ponies. 

The group had taken her in, taught her the ways of the wasteland over a good hooffull of months, given her shelter and food, she felt like she had a family who had cared for her, unlike the ones back at her stable who didn't really care about her until she was deemed Overmare in training. But good things don't last long in the wasteland it seemed, the raiders had found their camp and attacked during the late of night. Ghost had been one of the only survivors, having been told to hide until the raiders left. 

She stepped out from the rubble she had been hiding beneath, her eyes welling with tears as the ponies she had grown to love lay dead and scattered all around her, she spent hours that way burying bodies and dealing with the grief of her loss. This was when she found her spark, her aspect, she would fight to protect those that needed it most, to carry on in the hoofsteps of the ponies who had saved her.