


11 months, 1 day ago


Inksmith / “Smith” 
Owner of Scrapworks™

Smith’ is often considered a sincere, caring, and diligent person, but isn’t afraid to express a loud and bossy personality towards those that tick her off. ‘Smith’ tends to also have a possessive personality when it comes to her gear and crafts, being wary of even her friends. She is also known for attempting to prepare herself for any occasion, hoarding a number of her own contraptions “just in case.” 

Unlike most other Inklings, her appearance usually consist of the same outfits as she’s usually too busy to worry about her freshness. She wears a black tank top tucked into a Dusty Field Jacket wrapped around her waist, with baggy black cargo pants and a pair of Navy Enperrials to match. She always has her favorite Pilot Goggles strapped over her head too. Underneath her mechanic style of clothing are a few scars and cuts found around her body, most of them self-induced. These cuts are most notable over her tentacles, except for the visible Salmonid-sized bite on her left shoulder and not-so-visible one on her waist. To add to the number of marks on her body, her left eye appearance to be devoid of color unlike her right one. She has no problem seeing, other than the fact her vision is a mix of black, white, and colored. 

As a born and raised citizen of Inkadia, ‘Smith’ participated in Turf Wars at a young age. She found immense fascination in the various specials and weapons supplies to players, yearning to produce something just as incredible one day, and become as big and iconic as Ammoknignts. Her desire is what exposed her to the chaotic and competitive world of Underground Anarchy battles. In time, her life revolved almost entirely around this world, as she became responsible for supplying numerous players with custom made, highly innovative weapons to the battlefield. Her expertise in crafting modified weapons has earned her the nickname “Inksmith” to some of the regulars and locals of UA. 

‘Smith’ runs her underground business, Scrapworks™, on the outskirts of the chaotic and bustling city known as Splatsville. ‘Smith’ is the sole manufacturer, designer, and supplier of her business. In fact, she is the only employee. She is also a part-time employee of Grizzco Industries, running Salmon Run shifts at irregular hours in order to smuggle in various leftover scraps and gears to supply her business. 

When she’s not focusing on her business, she participates in the underground battles herself. Sporting a variety of handmade and specialized weapons, she brings her crafty yet scrappy fighting style to the scene. She sports a personalized baseball bat, handcrafted to secrete boiling ink from the top-end thanks to the integration of a Stinger’s gas-burner and a specially designed, miniature ink tank. The steaming ink is capable of splatting an enemy is a single swing, leaving behind quite the sting on wherever they’re hit. She utilizes this tool alongside an arsenal of her very own weapons, most commonly modified shooters, to surprise the enemy in new ways every time. She is surprisingly swift in battle despite all the gear she packs, and is ready to tackle any game mode UA has to offer.