
6 years, 26 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
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"I coulda gave up then but then again I couldn't have"

Basics: Born on a far away island, Clara moved to the kingdom when she was a young adult. She was forced to find her own way, teach herself the language of the island, and develop her own skill. This is something she managed to excel at. She is a self-starter, someone who has learned to work hard and solve problems on her own standing throughout the years. However, she is naïve to the intentions of others and doesn't understand ill-will in others; she always puts her heard and soul into every relationship and is exceptionally trusting. She is a fresco painter and very meticulous in nature, though she often laments over mistakes in her work that no one else could ever notice. Due to injury at a young age she has poor hearing, though she has learned to take care of herself despite it. She has made a good business for herself and feels that she has found a place in the kingdom where she has settled.

Obtained from designer

No selling for more than purchase price, must notify designer before trading/gifting/selling

Drawing notes: Clara does not have ears or a tail. She should be drawn with her items.

"'Cause I've traveled all this way for something"

【 Name 】 Clara pronounce Clahr-a 【 Gender 】 Female
【 Age 】 27 【 D.o.B. 】 May 25th
【 Alignment 】 Lawful Good 【 Race 】 Australian Shepherd
【 Role 】 Fresco Painter 【 Theme 】 On Top of the World

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Confidence 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

Clara is a bit strange in appearance, according to many. Due to an incident when she was a pup she has no visible ears and no tail. In order to cover herself and simply to keep warm, she wears a scarf and a hat at all times; this is also just her style, and she loves to wear these items. Her fur is thin and ineffective at keeping her warm, hence why these items are so important to her. She has deep brown eyes that are always attentive, always curious as to what might be happening around her. She has very poor hearing due to her past injuries. She speaks with a strong accent.


Clara lives in a medieval kingdom. This is not the place of her birth, however. Clara is originally from a land across the sea, having resettled here when you was a young adult. This kingdom is prosperous and took her in gladly, allowing the Australian Shepherd to settle within one of the cities and find work there. The wealth of the kingdom means that there is plenty of money for art and development, making Clara's lifestyle possible.


Clara is a fresco painter. She will work for anyone interested, though primarily is hired by the kingdom for installations within castles or the homes of other nobles; as well as for shrines and other places of importance. She paints into the wet plaster, and works very carefully, meaning that a single job can take her weeks. She is skilled at her work and finds great pleasure in it, and is paid fairly well for her skill.

Clara has learned to be extremely self-sufficient. Her youth on a distant island made sure that lesson was taught to each and every one of its inhabitants: in the end, there will be no one to help you if you cannot help yourself. Each citizen had to learn to care for themselves no matter the circumstances or their own ability, and this is a lesson Clara has held on to to this very day. She is not one to allow outside influences to get between her goals. Though she is nonconfrontational and not one to fight back directly against barriers, she will always find a way around them. She is not the most intelligent but she has the street smarts to face down any challenge. She taught herself to speak a new language with only minimal tutoring, she made her own fresco painting business and is successful despite anything that has come her way. Being resourceful and able to preserve has saved her life before and she is not one to change anything now. She will always put her heart into each little thing.

However, putting her heart into everything also has its downsides. She is someone who trusts to easily. She puts herself into every interaction, shares every bit of herself, on the assumption that others in her life will do the same in return. She has yet to fully learn that this is a good way to be taken advantage of. She trusts too easily and gets emotionally attached to everyone she meets. She finds friendships extremely valuable but does not know the difference between a friend and an acquaintance. She is naïve in her understanding of selfishness or manipulation. She is someone who would give her last scarf to anyone who needed it more than she did, and she simply assumes that everyone else acts and thinks the same as she does. This had led her to being hurt before, but she tends not to connect it with manipulation, and finds other things to blame the deceit upon in order to clear the name of the perpetrator.

Clara is meticulous in nature, making her perfect for her work. Frescos require great deals of care and precision, and she has the patience to deliver that. She is easily overtaken with a need for perfection and will spend hours and hours reworking the same problem or detail until it is exactly as she feels it should be. She gets very upset when force to leave something below her own standards. She is very sensitive to perceived failure and will become skittish and unable to speak up if she is in the wrong. Her care and patience means that she is rarely in these situations, but when she is, she prefers to hide instead of showing her face. She is much more sensitive to these issues than others are and often is caught panicking over what is ultimately nothing to worry about at all.

Clara was born in a land far across the sea. Her parents were not wealthy and the land in which they lived had no true leader and no assistance for those who needed it, and so many were left to suffer. It was a difficult life, but they made it work. The land had harsh seasons; the hottest of summers and frozen, desolate winters. Her family was one of farmers but, due to the weather, success was rare and fleeting. They did what they could but never had very much. The land, a large but isolated island, simply did not offer enough to its citizens. So, like many, Clara's family decided to leave as soon as they could gather the money for passage across the sea.

At least, that was the plan. An unusually harsh and early winter struck the land. Some crops perished, and all on the island suffered. Almost every business halted; the people forced to live on what little they could purchase and whatever they already had in their homes. Firewood was of utmost important, the flames the only thing keeping the house from freezing over. When Clara woke up in the middle of the night and saw the fire was almost out, she ventured out into the cold to gather firewood. However, she didn't realize the strength of the blizzard, and soon found herself lost; stranded in the cold, unable to find her way back to the house. It took until morning for her to be found amid the snow. By then, frostbite had already struck her. The doctor did his best, but Clara lost her ears and her tail to the freeze. It was a long road to recovery for the pup but, when the winter finally broke, it became clear to the whole family that they could not wait any longer. It was time to leave these lands.

They booked passage on the first ship they could afford, seeking travel to anywhere that might be willing to take them. They landed at the port of the kingdom and met with the officials who allowed them to settle, understanding their plight. They could not find the land to farm, but were instead able to settle in a city where they could work in shops or whatever other jobs they could find. This still was far from easy, Clara having to learn a new language despite her poor hearing, but with effort and the help of locals, she was able to pick it up after a year of gesturing and confusion. She learned to speak the language with enough fluency to get by, and found herself an apprenticeship with a painter. She was taught how to paint frescos and enjoys it greatly for the precision of the world and the beauty of the final product.
