Arthur Gardison



6 years, 18 days ago

Basic Info

Age/Birthday: 34, January 24

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 5'5"

Species: Human

Kingdom: White Water, the Classic Kingdom

Class: Knight

Weapon of choice: Sword and Shield

Teammates: Dolin and Fernando

Likes: Honor, fighting for whats right, chivalry, keeping things old fashioned

Dislikes: Xarcan and his 'ways', taimat, dragons, the threat of the dragons return

Wanted Reward: 'a plot of land'




much like Fernando, he's top of the royal guard, christened with the red cape and personally assigned to watching taimats cave for anyone who wishes to pay respect or revive her. Arthur can sometime be gone for over a month on post on the far side away from the kingdom, making small trips back to the court to report back in and get a break. 

he appreciates the honor to serve his kingdom in such an important way, so when he heard there were those of the five claw looking to revive her and had their hands on the solution, Arthur learned to take charge, knowing what to do immediately and getting to it. the race was coming  up and it was very likely the five claw would be attending the race in hopes of getting from each kingdom for the dragon gems. 

Arthur volunteered to pose as a racer, along with those of his choosing that would keep the gem safe and snuff out the five claw. 

poor timing came when the kingdom's royal family had been in low numbers, and the current ruler had passed away without an heir and no one of the family to take the thrown. 

this left Arthur quite stressed as he was readying him and his team to leave the kingdom to attend the race, then to top it off this Xarcan takes the throne by force and theres hardly anyone around to say no as the council hadnt a proper replacement and he was popular with the people. The council and the other Red Capes including Arthurs trusted companion Fernando agreed to keep Xarcan in power under watchful eyes until the race and five claw situation was complete. 

this quite infuriated Arthur and hes now refusing to let any other kingdom know about Xarcan even if its not top of the lit things to worry about.