Tess Amyulite



11 months, 9 days ago


Born into an isolated isle of prosperous magic and wonders alike, Tez was one of the few of her world to be "gifted" with the same wild magic that flourishes through her world. Tez spent her youth gathering books and studying the practices of this magic to hone her innate sorcery capabilities, but was only ever capable of gaining a modicum of control over the untamed surges of magic that churned within her. Eventually, she was taught how to utilize this chaotic magic of hers and climb the ranks of her island's protectors, earning her spot in the Triumvirate. 

As a member of the Triumvirate, Tez is diplomat of her island and the sole archmage of her trio. She has proven to handle diplomacy well and maintain a high status for her island in relations to neighboring empires. But when she's not handling law and order, she often finds herself designing homes with another member of the trio, gathering materials, or traversing foreign lands. Tez is the only individual that is knowledgeable about the true nature of the island and the world that lies beyond its mysterious coat of fog. The island that they reside in is protected by an ancient deity that surrounds their world with a casting of thick mist, which prohibits the inhabitants to transverse past. However, the inhabitants are ignorant of this predicament, including the other members of the Triumvirate. Tez alone possesses the power to transverse beyond the fog and is responsible for protecting the deity that upholds the mist. Rest aside all diplomacy and reason, and Tez becomes a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. She is capable of manipulating the forces of chance and chaos to her party's advantage and unleash powerful surges of untamed magic upon foes.