
11 months, 8 days ago


"I'm not a book, don't judge me by appearance! I have such a great story"
I. Zoey Ruby Trickster







Ring Master

Zoey Trickster is a blue wolf magic folk from Harminica. They were born to a villain named Zephyr Trickster and a circus ring master named Clark Trickster. Due to this Zoey was treated differently from the time she was born. Their family background was enough for some people to automatically judge them. As if that wasn't enough he was also born with a genetic mutation that makes their magic more powerful. To people who never even met her this was reason enough to hate them. From all this judgemet came the desire to make sure it hapepens to as little other people as possiable. Zoey takes action later in life making themselves an instant target for the hero system. Through all that they still continue to push through at preform often at "The Trickster's Circus of Illusions" that is where they feel they belong, they can truely be themselves there. They have many friends who are also magic folk who have been wrongly judged or harassed. Zoey will do anything to protect others even if that means risking everything and fighting heroes who are self centered and in it for the wrong reason, they don't ever start the fight they just continue it until something is done about it. They want to be a hero in a society who will only ever see them as a villain.

Outside of their hero vs villain activist life they live a life full of fun and adventure. Zoey is the type of person to live life to the fullest! The spend most of their time at their circus and with their fellow workers, they all perform together and treat each other like family. Other than the circus they spend their time studying magic, magic history, and potion making. Zoey enjoys reading many books although adventure and magic knowledge is their favorite! They also tend to read children's or teen novels due to them often having better storytelling. Speaking of more childish things they spend much time watching their favorite show about gay space rocks! They definitely know every song from the show! Their other hobbies include potion making, magic study, performing, singing, art, reading, and working in Harminica High as a potion's teacher assistaint! They happen to be among the most powerful magic folk and they take great pride in it. Zoey is a friendly, loud, flirtatious,and strong minded person making them both really easy and hard to get along with!

II. In Story

Zoey gets introdused in the story by mention early on, she graduated Harminica High just abyear before the book's first events. She made a big impact on the school so it's only natural for students and teahers who have known them to talk about them. The cast first meets them after their show which they saw for a school feild trip. Angel talks to her personally at the meet and greet after the show.

Later in the early story they are later heared to be a villain by Angel who finds that hard to belive. Eventually Angel happens to have a project to do with Xen Trickster, Zoey's younger brother. Due to this project Angel gets to meet Zoey again and they speak more personally to where they become friends. Even later in book one durring the dance the school is attacked and it's blamed on Zoey who was really there in defence of the school. This leads to Angel and rest of the class believing that they are in fact a villain.

In the next few books Zoey is heavily villainized, not treated well by rest of the cast. Zoey does end up helping the group a lot though and regains at least Angel's and Time's trust. Zoey is a great sourse of support and info, they are highly educated on magic and the world system. They are constantly trying to prove the fact that they aren't the one who attacked the school, eventually getting the validation of being found to be telling the truth by the school after gathering evidence. Zoey is still a public enemy just to less people now, they can't seem to escape that hero system!

Other things they do with the group's trust is help the group's only human, Ash learn to use a form of magic... Potions! They also protect the team alot and work as an older sister support figure to younger campers, providing them saftey.

In later books they start a rebellion against the Harminican government, naming their followers after gems and having their symbols being gems and stars. This is a reffrence to a few things they like, they have fun with it and assign themself the gem ruby. This rebellion was started due to Harminica's true intentions in the World system war and it's corrupt hero system.

III. Trivia
  • Zoey's biggest supporter was her father who encouraged their goal of becoming a hero!
  • Zoey is now scared of fireworks due to an "accident".
  • Zoey can shapeshift, their current appearance isn't their real one but one with no scars.
  • Zoey has a therapy dog named Lion who is a golden retriver with a pink tail and collar!
  • Zoey's circus was origanally his father's it's also where she met their best friend, Ace.

potions and magic study
Silly space rock show
speaking their mind
playing around

being talked over
being judged before knowing a person
being seen as a bad person

code by icecreampizzer
focal art by @ user | images from unsplash