


11 months, 17 days ago


There will come a ruler

Name Haviln
Age 3
Alias -
Gender Male
Sexuality Heterosexual
Pronouns he/him
Role King/Pride Leader
Race Lion x snow leopard hybrid

Whose brow is laid in thorn
  • Only has spots on his face
  • No NFSW or to be drawn as an Anthro
  • Is quite fluffy - but can't grow a large mane
  • Big cheek fluff!!
  • Markings are symmetrical
Reference Here

The world has been unkind to Haviln, but he knew that he was meant for so much more than to just be labelled as a freak hybrid. While certainly shy in his younger years, he developed the soft yet inspiring way to communicate and boost those around him, with a gentle smile and decisive actions, Haviln is a born leader.

Reliable and passionate, Haviln enjoys developing strong relationships with those around him, and is able to nurture each lion's individual strengths. Unwavering in his goals and principles, there is very little that can make him abandon those ideals. To those who do not share these ideas, he appears blunt and stubborn.

Tends to make unrealistic goals for himself, which in turn he punishes himself for when the goals don't turn out as he planned. Is hard on himself and spirals into a deep well of anxious thoughts which can take a great effort to get out of. Has a tendency to take on other people’s problems as their own – a habit that can leave them emotionally and physically exhausted. Which makes his half-sister Ganeida such a god send.

While Haviln walks with a gentle confidence, the male turns into jelly when faced with beautiful females, and even males at times. He is able to hold a conversation fine, but his eye contact does need a little bit of work.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
practical imaginative
active sloth

Smeared with oil like David's boy

His snow leopard heritage does give him a denser coat than most - does very well in the winter weather but can suffer a little when it is very warm.

A bit shorter than most male lions, but very agile and flexible. Instead of focusing on brute strength, uses grapples and throws with his opponents.

Has great hearing and his ability to climb and bounce up sheer surfaces is quite impressive.


--- working on it.



  • Snores like a train.
  • Very good at remembering other's birthdays.
  • Loves to sleep, one of those people that are in bed by 9pm.
  • Can't remember much about his mother, just being surrounded by snow.
  • A shorty, measures 82cm at the shoulder.
  • Has thick, hairy pawpads that he chews when upset.
  • Pinterest board

Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Aesthetic Kingcore
Alignment Lawful Good
Sin Pride
Virtue Fortitude

Designer Isharaheart
Obtained ~2018
Status -
Value NFS


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Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!