Distantstorm - Leon



11 months, 14 days ago


One for my heart and

Name Leon
Age 4- in cat years
Alias -
Gender Male
Sexuality Asexual
Pronouns he/him
Role Stray
Race Domestic shorthair

two for show
  • Always drawn with scars
  • No NFSW or to be drawn as an Anthro
  • Both ears are torn. The one on the right is missing the tip, while the left has a slit torn
  • Usually looks a little unkept
  • Has quite pale blue eyes, they aren't super bright
Reference Here

As a younger feline, Leon worked hard to be liked by other cats. He buried his more naturally unceremonious, blunt thoughts in favour for the more cherished, bright and happy responses. After things were taken away from him, and he found he was just being used, the feline decided to finally be true to himself.

He wasn't the pleasant, honey-ed worded tom, he was grumpy, cynical and learned that 'caring' was only dangerous. While grumpy, Leon rarely complains out loud, with a huff he will wander off to find a nice quiet place to 'recharge'. Couldn't be described as overly friendly, but does have a select few whose company is tolerated, if sometimes, even wanted.

Is able to see things from a wide perspective, and can give rather level headed advice if one can survive all the pointed, frowning stares beforehand. Has grown to ignore that most cats believe he is much older than he is, usually because of his unkept appearance and grumpy demeanour.

While his scars would suggest he is a spirited warrior, it simply isn't the case. Leon will fight if he deems it necessary but must fit in his long list of criteria in order for any action to take place. Doesn't enjoy talking about his past, especially about his scars. He simply just ignores the question with a darkened stare.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
practical imaginative
active sloth

Three tears for all the souls below

He was a deputy at one time, his name was Distantstorm, but refuses to answer by that name now.

So has a great head for organisation, strategy and being able to triage important jobs or tasks.

Not the most agile, but is relatively strong. Takes long walks usually climbing the rocky areas or up trees in the dense national park he lives in.

His hunts revolve around ambush attacks, which work very well for small rabbits and mice. Doesn't have the high flexibility needed for hunting birds.


-- working on it



  • Tail is almost always twitching
  • There is a human/two leg, that he does infrequently visit. Her home is just on the edge of the national park he lives in, and she repurposed a children's outdoor plastic play house as a little den for him when he decides to visit with always water available to him. Her name for him is 'Grumpy Cat'.
  • Was Deputy for almost 2 moons
  • Average height, measures 24cm at the shoulder.
  • Hides a small plastic cat ball that has a little bell in the center. Stole it from a bin when he was wandering around the city.
  • Would be the type of person that would yell or hit technology for not working.
  • Pinterest board

Who am I to you?
Aesthetic Dark Naturalism
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Sin Pride
Virtue Wisdom

Designer Ridraw
Obtained April 03, 2022
Status -
Value NFS


One paragraph would look best but you can go wild!

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Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!