
Cir·rus /ˈsirəs/
A genus of high clouds made of ice crystals.
Cirrus clouds typically appear delicate and wispy with white strands, and are usually formed when warm, dry air rises, causing water vapor deposition onto rocky or metallic dust particles at high altitudes.

A speedy, sneaky, clever little Chockin crime baby.
He was discovered (and subsequently adopted) by Cassiopia when he was found trying to build a nest with her collection of ribbons. Not long after she adopted him, he found and immediately consumed an array of Potions she had stashed away, leading to a few odd and rather unique set of mutations.

Loves snacks and burrowing into soft warm cloth. Adores his Tori owner Cassi, and proudly prances around in the little collars and outfits she makes for him. Will also bite anyone who is Not Cassi with out prejudice. Enjoys causing problems and making mischif.

Possible Potions
Although exactly what he drank is mostly unknown, these are the most likely culprits.

Air Potion / Prism Potion / Crystal Potion